
Gameplay and activities
Prompt Categories


In order to heal an injury, you must submit a prompt wherein there is a fully trained physician tending to an injury on an injured colonist. When a colonist reaches HP of 0, they automatically become Injured and must be healed via this prompt before they can have HP regained in the Hospital or safely participate in activities.

Only one colonist can be healed per submission and they should be set as the focus colonist, whereas physicians and their assistants must be listed in the comments to ensure they're not missed.

You may include up to three additional Physicians or Physician's Assistants in order to gain additional HP.

Base Result: 1 HP and 1 level Injury removed
Additional Physician or Physician's Assistant:
+1 HP each included


  • Focus Colonist and Physician: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Focus Colonist: One injured colonist.
  • Non-Focus Colonists: Minimum One Physician. Up to three additional Physicians or Physician's Assistants.


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Investigate something from an Observation


Your Telecom Beeps to Life

DPIP Needs your help, researcher.

In order to increase our understanding of the planet you now are an inhabitant of, we request that you follow up on several reports.
If you have been chosen to follow up on any investigative reports, we request that you open the documents and follow up on the data within.
Investigations can range from strange events to simple oddities that we, as the DPIP, want you to follow up on.
Sometimes things are hard to see, but if you look at them in a different way, all becomes clear.
We also must require that you expend some of your hard-earned Research Points in acting on these investigations.
Remember, even if some of the reports are scary, you have nothing to fear but fear itself.

- Officer ???


Investigations require the following things to be attached as Add-Ons:

  • An art or literature component. Use the report information (found in the "Notes" of the Unopened Reports in your inventory) as a starting point but do not feel restricted to follow the report to the letter!
  • A Research component. Each distinct type of Report has a cost, usually Research Points.
  • The Opened Report. One per Submission.

Some prompts also require specific stats in the lead investigating colonist in order to be successful. Those will be stated within the Report Notes. If they don't mention any specific stat requirements, you don't need to worry.

Simple Report: 50 RP.
Brnxago Xeiszg: Ninxvzy Ymdr MT. 
Lvajavcrt Kixbmx: Ggm Nughzry VH. INVESTIGATE

You may additionally also state which colonist is the Lead Investigator in your piece.
They will earn an additional 2 XP for the piece.
They must be showing some form of clear leadership in your piece.

Investigations are one of the few activites that have guaranteed rewards.


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Minimum Focus Colonists: One.
  • Maximum Focus Colonists: Three.
  • One report per submission, even if a collaboration.
  • Remember to include the Opened Report item as an add-on.


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Woo a Native

Category: Actions

Woo a native using diplomacy. Requires the Diplomacy research.


This action requires the Diplomacy research and uses the Social skill, which needs to be initialized before we can approve.
Make sure there is at least 24 hours between when the raffle ends (the time on the native's page) and when you submit your diplomacy.

Every so often while exploring, you might come across a native Xunari. Whether they are friendly or aggressive is a matter of chance. On rare occasions, they may be interested in joining ranks with your colony. There are things to be done and matters to attend to in order to actually invite one of these wayfarers into your home. Native Xunari have a special background unique to them. If you successfully woo a native into your colony, they may keep the background if you wish.

A Native must be encountered by someone via an Observation in order to be available for wooing. You will know if the Native is available or still wandering by a notice on their profile. Upon the initial encounter, a Raffle will automatically be made for that Native. From that point on, anyone with the Diplomacy research may go to that region to attempt to entice the Native to join their colony, gathering tickets based on the success rolls of their included colonists, which is affected by the Social skill of the colonist in question.

All colonists attempting to recruit the Native should be set as Focus Colonists.

When a colonist succeeds in their Social roll, they add one ticket to the pool of tickets for the submitter. After one month, the raffle is automatically rolled and the Native automatically goes home with the winner of the Raffle. How exciting!

Collaborations split the raffle tickets, just like Research Points are split.

The Process

  1. Someone will cross paths with the native during an Observation.
    • This initiates a Raffle for that Native with a date set one month after the encounter.
    • You must have Diplomacy researched in order to attempt to woo a native.

  2. At this point, anyone with the Diplomacy Research is able to attempt to convince the Native to join their colony.
    • This is an art or literature piece in which you attempt to encourage the native in question to join you.
    • This piece should be in the region the Native lives in, regardless of what region your colony lives in.
    • Please submit your Diplomacy attempts no later than 24 hours before the end of the raffle to allow staff time to approve and process your request.

  3. The following ROLL will occur: 1d20 + Social modifier of the colonist(s) in your woo submission, up to a total of 3 colonists. Each colonist who succeeds will add one ticket to the raffle for the submitter.

  4. The number of submissions one can make per Native is as follows:
    1. Four for the original finder. However, if this colony has Natives already, that is reduced to three and is accordingly adjusted by the rules below.
    2. Three for anyone else who has no Natives in their colony.
    3. Two for any colony that has Natives already in their colony.
    4. Minus One for every 5 Natives a colony already has.
      • This is to ensure colonies do not hoard Natives and allow other colonies chances at a limited resource.
    5. Plus One if your colony has the Extradition research.

  5. After one month, the raffle will automatically be rolled and the Native will be transferred to the winner. Staff have no control over the winner.

  6. If the native decides to follow you, they will be added to your colony and you may change their name or personality.


You must mention these bonuses when submitting with them to make sure we don't miss them.


  • Diplomatic Immunity: Allows one more colonist per submission to be rolled.
  • Extradition: Allows one more entry. So, if you have one Native already, you can do three entries. If you are the original finder and have no Natives, you can do five!
  • Well Met: Adds a bonus of two tickets per entry.


Certain items also have effects when attached to a submission!

  • Honey: Adds 2 additional tickets to an entry, even if all colonists fail!
  • There are three letters that share names with the Research.
    • These may stack only with other types of letters and add one additional ticket per item.

Unclaimed Natives

You may find all available Natives in the information page for the Regions that Observations are possible in.


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Minimum Focus Colonists: One.
  • Maximum Focus Colonists: Three.
  • Native in question must also meet minimum experience count in effort (7 XP), though they will only earn the standard 3 XP themselves.


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards




Category: Actions

Forage for seeds, mushrooms, and plants!



Skill: Survival

The earliest ancestors of any intelligent species were hunter-gatherers. It is the natural way of things, before agriculture expanded and allowed once nomadic cultures to create settlements.

Any colonist from any colony, unless they are bedridden (injured, in hospital, or have a status effect blocking this,) may go out foraging for food and small items to bring back home for use at the colony. Examples of foraging include checking out bushes, sniffing for fruits, or picking plants.

Tip: Almost any exploration piece, so long as there's a colonist interacting with the foliage of the environment in some way, could be considered foraging! If it's hard to tell what one is doing, feel free to give a brief explanation in your Comment along with your regular leveling form.

Please ensure all Focus colonists have Survival initialized. Otherwise, the system will read the survival skill as very low and will reduce the output, which might mean you get nothing!
Foraging usually results in up to three items, but there is always the chance for failure, especially with low Survival modifiers.


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Minimum Focus Colonists: One.
  • Maximum Focus Colonists: Three.


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards




Category: Actions

Go play in the dirt.



Due to this hazard, colonists going mining must be Level One minimum

Fragment R1_A3


Skill: Combat

When a young Xunari gets rowdy, their parents tell them to go play in the dirt. When they grow up after doing that all the time, they might find that digging in the dirt and burrowing underground can come with some fun rewards! However, this can come with dangers: Any colonist who goes mining might come back with a small injury!

Any colonist from any colony, unless they are bedridden or nursing, may go mining. Examples of mining include digging in the dirt, burrowing underground, or investigating potential ore pockets.

Tip:  If it's hard to tell what one is doing, feel free to give a brief explanation in your Comment along with your regular leveling form.

If your colonist is equipped with a Pickaxe, please clearly state that they are using it! This gives the possibility of an extra item!

Please ensure all Focus colonists have Combat initialized. Otherwise, the system will read the combat skill as very low and will reduce the output, which might mean you get nothing!
Mining usually results in up to three items, but there is always the chance for failure, especially with low Combat modifiers.


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Minimum Focus Colonists: One.
  • Maximum Focus Colonists: Three.
  • Focus colonists must depict mining/digging/burrowing/investigating ore/other actions you would expect during a mining expedition.

Cave Examples

These are the examples of caves within different regions.
To ensure you count towards Observations or the Home Region bonus, consider referring to these for your region!


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



This prompt requires all focus colonists to be at least Level One

Include x1 Opened Simple Report with a SCI prompt within.


No further details.


Reward Amount
SCI Investigation Token 1


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Include x1 Opened Simple Report with a SOC prompt within.


No further details.


Reward Amount
SOC Investigation Token 1


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Include x1 Opened Simple Report with a STL prompt within.


No further details.


Reward Amount
STL Investigation Token 1


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards




In order to heal an illness, you must submit a specific prompt based on the illness itself. Depict your colonist recovering from an illness in the listed way below.

Some require specific types of medicine to be included as Add-Ons in your submission. When that is the case, the add-on will be mentioned in [brackets] in the prompts below. Add-ons are generally one item per colonist being treated, unless otherwise stated in the item description.


  • Focus Colonists: Max 2. Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • You should only set the colonist(s) with the illness as the focus colonist.


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Depict your colonist taking bed rest and drinking or preparing to drink some [Gingko Tea].


No further details.


No rewards.


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Study to become a Gatherer.


Once your colonist does one of the following they will become a Gatherer's Assistant:
  • Travel to L'hatzif and document a variety of fungus.
  • Travel to Rekes to collect a range of herbs and flowers.
  • Travel to Mireh to harvest berries and fruits.
  • Travel to Issiq to extract saps from succulents.
Once your Gatherer's Assistant does one of the following they will become a Gatherer:
  • Forage the wilderness to find wildberries to plant
  • Grow seedlings in a contained environment [think glasshouse] to experiment on which is viable in your region
  • Clear the land and and prep the area for the upcoming planting
  • Harvest Season! How did you do?


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Study to become a Miner.


Once your colonist does one of the following they will become a Miner's Assistant:
  • Travel to L'hatzif and study the mycelium and funguses within the walls of caves.
  • Travel to Rekes to attempt to clear blocked tunnels.
  • Travel to Mireh to assist in the creation of tunnels through the hill countries.
  • Travel to Issiq to assist in clearing sand from the mines.
Once your Miner's Assistant does one of the following they will become a Miner:
  • Assist in the planning stage of a new mine.
  • Bring back the rarest precious gem or ore you can find.
  • Discover a fossil of an ancient beast.
  • Teach some whelps on the surface about the intricacies of mining.


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Study to become a Bard.


Once your colonist does one of the following they will become a Bard's Assistant:
  • Take lessons to learn an instrument or how to sing.
  • Observe a festival or party within a nearby tribe.
  • Learn from a traveling merchant about their silver tongues.
  • Practice public speaking.
Once your Bard's Assistant does one of the following they will become a Bard:
  • Write and present a ballard or play about the history of your colony to present at the upcoming Founding Festival.
  • You hear of a recent destruction in a neighbouring town - take your talents to the streets to bring cheer to them all.
  • Meet with an Elder to discuss collaboration between your colony and the tribe.
  • Organize a festival for your colony.
  • You have had time to hone your craft. Now it is time to broaden your horizons. Go to another colony and have a friendly musicial battle with one of their bards.


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Study to become a Physician.


I can teach you to become a wonderful Physician.
Once your colonist does one of the following they will become a Physician's Assistant:
  • Observe an autopsy.
  • Perform a dissection of a fauna species.
  • Assist in a surgery by holding tools, etc.
  • Learn how to give an injection... properly.
Once your Physician's Assistant does one of the following they will become a Physician:
  • Perform a surgery solo.
  • Triage after an accident or natural disaster.
  • Show your bedside manners.
  • Mend a broken bone as you see fit.


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



Study to become a Scholar.


If you put in the effort, you can become a gifted Scholar.
Once your colonist does one of the following they will become a Scholar's Assistant:
  • Attend a lecture.
  • Stay up late studying with a friend.
  • Find a tutor for a difficult subject.
  • Become a student teacher and assist in teaching a class.
Once your Scholar's Assistant does one of the following they will become a Scholar:
  • Set up your own hypothesis and test it.
  • Teach a class on your own.
  • Write or present your thesis.
  • Graduate!


Reward Amount
Research Points 2


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards




The Department of Protected Inhabitants has set out an alert on all active telepads and comm networks. This is normal, they tend to send out odd little reminders and slightly suspicious messages from time to time... but somehow this feels different. There are many more drones spiraling about, scanning for who knows what. You've had at least three different operatives skulking around the outskirts of your colony.

It almost seems like they're looking for something and have no idea where it might be...

Instructions: Depict your colonists searching for and finding a suspicious report, either hidden away within your colony, the wilderness, a town or village, or even being given it by a shady individual. Get creative!


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Minimum Focus Colonists: One.
  • Maximum Focus Colonists: Three.


Reward Amount
Unopened Suspicious Lead 1
Research Points 5


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


Bonus 5 XP



RESPECT Faction only.


So, you've decided to respect the wishes of the Department of Protected Inhabited Planets, excellent! We thank you for that. 

We're sure you've heard, but the native inhabitants of B'Av have decided to open their docks and ports in all four regions. We need wonderful, intelligent researchers such as yourself and your colony to go introduce yourself to those who work at these watery locations! Perhaps there are towns near the docks that should be explored, far far more interesting than any silly little papers you might have found elsewhere. In fact, if you want to turn in opened reports if you run into any DPIP officers at the docks, feel free for the following rewards! Additionally, some of the Elders have traveled to these areas and have let us know that they need assistance in some research.

If you turn in an unopened report as an add-on, you will earn 100 Xen.
If you turn in an opened report as an add-on, you will only earn 50 Xen. Is your curiosity worth it?
If you explore the docks and interact with an inhabitant, you will earn 25 RP.


Option One: Depict your researcher or colonist(s) visiting the Elders at the docks to see how you can help them with their research.

Option Two: Depict your researcher or colonist(s) exploring the docks and ports of any regions and meeting the inhabitants of those locations.


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Maximum Focus Colonists: Three.
  • Minimum NPCs: IF OPTION 2: Include at least one Inhabitant NPC from the LOCATION you are investigating.
  • It must be clear which port you're visiting.


Reward Amount
Faction Standing 1


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


Bonus 5 XP



REBEL Faction only.


Oh, so you're not going to follow the instructions, nay, orders of the DPIP? That's fine, that's fine... for now. We have no power over what might happen if you follow the clues.

Instructions: Once you've opened a Suspicious Report and have a clue, illustrate or write about your colonists following that clue and searching the area. These should feature one of the NPCs associated with that location in your piece. Unlike regular DPIP reports, you will not have to pay a RP fee or follow the same limits as the Investigation prompt.

Submit to the individual subprompt based on the clue found in your Opened Suspicious Report item, not to the main prompt.


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Minimum Focus Colonists: One.
  • Maximum Focus Colonists: Three.
  • Minimum NPCs: Include at least one Inhabitant NPC from the LOCATION you are investigating.
  • Mention which location you are investigating in the comments.
  • Remember to include the Opened Suspicious Report as an add-on!


Reward Amount
Faction Standing 1
Research Points 5


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


Bonus 5 XP



Either Faction may do this.


This is primarily a RESPECT prompt, but REBELs may also partake in it. RESPECT members will earn an extra Faction Standing point.


Elder Quetzalcoatl considers you for a long moment before letting a sly smile lift onto her lips. "I could use some help," she decides after a long moment. "If you wish to further our research into the genome of tsabhua and belemoid and wonder about any particular markings, go ahead and study an existing colonist with the marking to lend a hand."

Research up to three markings on ONE colonist per submission to unlock further studies.


Depict your colonist researching the particulars that you have been instructed to research. Make sure to mention the specific markings at least in the submission comments.

The following markings and modifiers are not valid for this prompt: Reversal, Fewspot Appaloosa, Snowcap Appaloosa, Peacock variants of any appaloosa, or Creampearl.

If a philter is already established for a marking, submitting a prompt for that marking will add 10 research to its goal.
If it is already fully researched, it will do nothing.


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Minimum Focus Colonists: One.


Reward Amount
Faction Standing 1
Strange Powder

This reward is random.



No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



This prompt requires all focus colonists to be at least Level One


Category: Events

Colonies are reporting some sort of wreck submerged in the swamp, jagged metal piercing the surface. Are you interested in exploring?


No further details.


No rewards.


No skill increase.


No stat increase.


No Bonus XP Rewards



103 results found.