New Player Guide Series: ONE
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We are ecstatic that you are interested in joining us! Xiunus is an Art Roleplaying Game - ARPG for short. By joining us, you take on the role as a researcher hired by DPIP, the Department of Protected Inhabited Planets, to start a new colony and take in Xiunus’ inhabitants.
You can earn items, currency, and experience points to level up your playable characters by creating visual art pieces and written works.
Note that we are a 16+ website. If you are younger than that, we appreciate your interest but ask that you wait until you turn 16 to join!
When clicking on register, you will be shown a form with the following items: Colony Name, Region, Email, and Password.
Colony Name: This is the name of your colony and your unique identifier, not quite the same as a username.
Region: You must pick a region to complete registration. This can be changed once every quarter in the user settings. It's important for region-related bonuses and observations, which are randomly rolled occurrences that you may request during art and literature activities.
Once you hit Register, you'll need to confirm your email address. Some email providers can have issues receiving email from our website, so if this is the case please let us know on Discord! Gmail is a good bet for being able to receive the emails.
After confirming your email, if you try to access your setting, you will be prompted to authenticate your account via one of several social media platforms, including Discord, Deviantart, Twitch, or Toyhouse. This is mandatory in order for you to participate in the game as a whole and is one of our spam-prevention .
Now that you’re registered, let’s have a quick look over the UI and give you a basic rundown of where everything is!
As you can see from the top of your screen, there are five buttons, four of which are dropdowns: Colony, Updates, Play, Guides, and World.
Updates — These are our staff-posted updates and news posts.
Colony — This first menu option displays information important to your own colony, such as your colonists and settings.
- At a Glance takes you to a page where you can see all of your uploaded colonists as well as their stats and skills.
- My Activity is an overview of your colony, listing out some important information, such as how many unweaned whelps (children) your colonists have, how many submissions you have pending, and a button to increase your maximum population count using our in-game currency called Research Points.
- My Colony is your profile page, the public-facing page for others to look at your screen.
- My Colonists are the characters who have joined your colony.
- My Possessions is an additional dropdown that links to pages such as your cargo bay (inventory and bank), your badges, and trades.
- My Nursery won't be immediately available to you, but can be unlocked by purchasing the applicable Research using Research Points.
- My Research is a page that shows you what research you have unlocked (via in-game currency called Research Points) to open more parts of the game.
- My Blueprints are the crafting recipes that you have unlocked.
Play — This menu item is a dropdown that directs you to different activities you can partake in with your colonists. These can be art/literature submission based on fully automated, though usually they involve using the Submission form, found under Submit.
- All Activities is a page that links all prompts.
- Challenges are special parts of the game, such as Story Mode. These have specific instructions and rewards for completion.
- Submit is an additional dropdown which contains "Submission" for both prompts and claims, "Report" for bug reports or issues, "Gallery" for art or literature to be hosted on our site, and "Surrender" where you can send unwanted colonists to be redistributed in return for some in game currency.
Guides — This includes this very newbie guide, along with others, such as our design service, how to design your colonist, how to get more colonists, and guides focusing on Research and Experience.
- Rules is one of the most important pages, where our laws and regulations are housed.
- Guidebooks contain a series of pages, like this one, to explain the gameplay of the world.
- Design Service is a special service for new members to get their starter colonist designed for free by our staff.
- Terminology is a glossary of terms used on Xiunus.
- Character Creation is a guide specifically about setting up your colonists.
- Design Guide contains all of the rules, ranges, and examples for the markings that your colonist may have, as well as any mutations.
- Official Lineart is a gallery that houses all of the official lineart made by our creator. You don't have to use these, but they will guarantee proper anatomy.
- Research explains how our Research system works and how to earn Research Points, our art/lit-based currency.
- Experience explains how colonists themselves level up and grow.
- Observation is a special element of our game where during eligible submissions, you can opt in for randomized things to happen—good or bad!
World — Lastly, in the world section you can find the codex with details about the world, its species, items, and more. Here you can also find the shops, colonist and native directories, and the immigration center.
- Encyclopedia houses almost all of the other information, including links to some things in the design guide.
- Planet details the planet itself and its playable regions.
- Species go into depth about the playable species on Xiunus.
- Commerce houses all of the shops and trade system.
- Forums are there for interacting with your fellow Researchers, other than our Discord.
- Gallery is where people can host Xiunus-based images and literature on our site.
- All Colonies is a user masterlist.
- All Colonists display all of the colonists who have art.
- All Natives display staff-created xunari who can be encountered in Observations and tamed via Diplomacy.
- All Genos is a masterlist of colonists who do not yet have designs.
- Immigration is a type of adoption center you can use Immigration Vouchers to adopt from.