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Current Event: Tark'ee Tresspass

The path ahead is flooded and you can't enter. Do something about it.

Drain the Azure Depths.



99/250 CF

We, the Department of Protected Inhabited Planets, are pleased to welcome you to the protected space of the planet Xiunus. Responded to our signal beacon? Great, we're thrilled to have you join us on this journey of discovery! If not, let us tell you more about this incredible opportunity.

Our headquarters on the surface is accepting applications for colonies, where you can live in peace while contributing to the scientific study of Xiunus. The possibilities are endless, and we can't wait to see what you discover as you build your colony and venture into the unknown.

Join us and let's embark on this journey together!

Last Transmission

Premium Shop + New Native Backgrounds2w and 2d ago Xione

Tark'ee Trespass Tark'ee Trespass

Latest Update: TT Event: The Bunker Opens1mo and 2h ago

Roving Natives

These natives may be interested in joining a colony
Level One
Racer OT10 Background Decorative Layer
Level One
Tolly OT02 Background Decorative Layer

Recent Snapshots

Drone shots and transcripts from colony excursions


Colonies and other external corporations DPIP keeps in contact with


Gaias Kijikaiaku NeoPaneruga Noghame Stray City Pakazas Chronocompass The Riift Hvalla Tokotas Felvargs