Ends: 6mos and 3w ago

The Department of Protected Inhabitants has set out an alert on all active telepads and comm networks. This is normal, they tend to send out odd little reminders and slightly suspicious messages from time to time... but somehow this feels different. There are many more drones spiraling about, scanning for who knows what. You've had at least three different operatives skulking around the outskirts of your colony.

It almost seems like they're looking for something and have no idea where it might be...

Instructions: Depict your colonists searching for and finding a suspicious report, either hidden away within your colony, the wilderness, a town or village, or even being given it by a shady individual. Get creative!


  • Focus Colonists: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Minimum Focus Colonists: One.
  • Maximum Focus Colonists: Three.
Colony Rewards
Focus Colonist Rewards
Bonus 5 Experience, added automatically to focus colonists. Does not get added to RP calculations.
This prompt has ended.