Submitted via Worldbuilding by Tsidal
Nukaps are similar to Terran swine. They have an excellent snout, a lot of personality, and many people enjoy raising them as both pets and livestock. They are multipurpose and quite trainable. They have so many legs to be able to run, kick, and jump — possibly all at once. They love the murky swamps of L'Hatzif and are right at home in the cool and the damp. They are adaptable though and enjoy dust/sand baths nearly as much, and their thick skin could protect them from the Issiq sun. As such, they are often found in Issiq as well, though they are native to L'Hatzif and slightly invasive to Issiq.
As omnivores, they are easy to feed, and can and will munch on just about anything. They are uniquely sought after as hunters of prized mushrooms. Their strong noses and propensity for mud and murk make them the optimal choice for finding anything growing, or even lost in a swamp. They have large sized litters of nuklets averaging about 10 nuklets. Their long bodies make nursing large litters easier and reports of 16-18 nuklets have occurred. Beyond traditional livestock goods and pet benefits, Nukaps have medical applications. Their skin is often sought after by hopeful surgeons to practice incisions and suturing techniques, and some people claim various organs have healing properties.