In order to heal an injury, you must submit a prompt wherein there is a fully trained physician tending to an injury on an injured colonist. When a colonist reaches HP of 0, they automatically become Injured and must be healed via this prompt before they can have HP regained in the Hospital or safely participate in activities.

Only one colonist can be healed per submission and they should be set as the focus colonist, whereas physicians and their assistants must be listed in the comments to ensure they're not missed.

You may include up to three additional Physicians or Physician's Assistants in order to gain additional HP.

Base Result: 1 HP and 1 level Injury removed
Additional Physician or Physician's Assistant:
+1 HP each included


  • Focus Colonist and Physician: Minimum 7 experience, including at least one background.
  • Focus Colonist: One injured colonist.
  • Non-Focus Bonus Colonists: Minimum One Physician. Up to three additional Physicians or Physician's Assistants.
Colony Rewards
Focus Colonist Rewards
-1 Injured
1 Health