Ends: 3mos and 3w from now
You can submit this prompt 4 times per year.
Season: Kerah
It is Kerah, the season of harvest and hibernation.
Seasonal Prompts
After the heavy rains of the previous season, how is your colony faring?
Plants are growing in abundance and soon it will be time for your colony to harvest!
How is your colony handling the aftereffects of the tendrils?
Region-specific Prompts
- The plants in L'Hatzif have grown a little crazy this year!
- Mireh is experiencing early frost, leaving many colonies low on supplies.
- Rare heavily-furred creatures have started to appear in Rekes - study them!
- There are sinkholes in Issiq!?
Extra Bonus
EXTRA WORLDBUILDING BONUS: Display or portray a location in Xiunus that hasn't been shown very much during this season! This has to be more than just rocks, a field, etc. Use your imagination! Even if it isn't listed in canonical locations, feel free to make something up! +5 extra RP bonus, up to 4 entries per user before deadline.