
Landmarks and other geographical features on Xiunus
Types of Landmark
inside B'Av
Crystalline mountains and the sea
Contains the following:

yes Natural Wonders : Mount Ahnakim , Skullcrack

yes Mountain: Obsidian Mountain

yes Bunker: B-R-1

yes Port: Sanguine Cove

inside B'Av
Mushroom forests and swamps
Contains the following:

yes Natural Wonder: Fungal Forest

yes City: the City of Lights

yes Area: Hidden Glade

yes Port: Port Celeste

yes Bunker: B-L-1

inside B'Av
Grasslands and hills
Contains the following:

yes Areas : The Plains , The Hills

yes City: the City of Bitzaron

yes Lake: Glittering Lake

yes Bunker: B-M-1

yes Port: Tenné Quai

inside B'Av
Deserts and badlands
Contains the following:

yes Natural Wonders : Stone Arches , The Ravine

yes Lake: Lake of Visions

yes City: City of Naveh

yes Port: Ochre Dockyard

yes Bunker: B-I-1

inside Xiunus
The oceans of Xiunus.
Contains the following:

yes Ruin: The Manhattan

yes Natural Wonder: Oracle Reef

yes Area: The Deep

yes City: Eastunder

5 results found.