
Landmarks and other geographical features on Xiunus
Types of Landmark
Contains the following:

Continent: B'Av

Region: Ocean

inside Xiunus
The first continent.
Contains the following:

Regions : Rekes , L'Hatzif , Mireh , Issiq

inside B'Av
Crystalline mountains and the sea
Contains the following:

Natural Wonders : Mount Ahnakim , Skullcrack

Mountain: Obsidian Mountain

Bunker: Rekes Bunker

Port: Sanguine Cove

inside B'Av
Mushroom forests and swamps
Contains the following:

Natural Wonder: Fungal Forest

City: the City of Lights

Area: Hidden Glade

Port: Port Celeste

Bunker: L'hatzif Bunker

inside B'Av
Highlands and ghostly structures
Contains the following:

Areas : The Plains , The Hills

City: the City of Bitzaron

Lake: Glittering Lake

Bunker: Mireh Bunker

Port: Tenné Quai

inside B'Av
Deserts and badlands
Contains the following:

Natural Wonders : Stone Arches , The Ravine

Lake: Lake of Visions

City: City of Naveh

Port: Ochre Dockyard

Bunker: Issiq Bunker

inside Xiunus
The oceans of Xiunus.
Contains the following:

Ruin: The Manhattan

Natural Wonder: Oracle Reef

Area: The Deep

City: Eastunder

inside Mireh
Wild lands owned only by the wind and the sky above.
inside Mireh
Grassy hills
inside L'Hatzif
"Where the Light Dances"
inside Ocean
Parts of the ocean that are too deep for non-aquatic divers.
inside L'Hatzif
A small city around a massive steam vent.
Contains the following:

Natural Wonder: Concavity of Illumination

35 results found.