Status Effects
(Coming soon as a replacement for Birth Defect by the same name)

Infertile colonists cannot breed or have difficulties breeding in the following ways. Mentions of whelp loss are per-whelp and are additive on top of whelp loss potential from low-level, low-constitution, or inbreeding penalties. There are certain fertility treatments available to assist with this condition, but there are cases when there is a significant amount of treatment that would need to be done and it may not be worth it.
Surviving whelps very likely to have birth defects.
Surviving whelps more likely to have birth defects.

Whelps more likely to have birth defects.

Whelps very likely to have birth defects.

In order to heal an injury, you must submit a prompt wherein there is a fully trained physician tending to an injury on an injured colonist.
When a colonist reaches HP of 0, they automatically become Injured and must be healed via this prompt before they can have HP regained in the Hospital.

Mental Fatigue
Mentally clouded by something or other, this is a temporary state with symptoms such as brain fog and exhaustion. It can be treated with the use of Ginkgo Tea.
This can cause potential injuries and tripping over one's tongue while speaking, resulting in a temporary loss of Charisma.