
Messages directly from the Department of Protected Inhabited Planets

Transmission: Investigations, Worldbuilding, and more!

Transmitted 3yrs and 4d ago — Last modified 3yrs and 4d ago

Status Report


Ignore the whispers in your ears. They are insects.



Investigations are finally live! If you're anything like me, you've been holding onto your Simple Reports in anticipation of this. You may now begin drawing or writing responses to these mini-prompts. In order to have a successful investigation (aka not get rejected), DPIP does require a research point payment per investigation submission. Each colonist involved (up to three) will recieve one randomized reward which can be anything from bones to shaman's hearts to soulstones to bonuses for the stat in question.

One of the rewards is an item called a Recipe Card which unlocks a random recipe from a particular category. We are still working on making recipes for these, so we encourage you be involved in....


World Building!

We have implemented prompts specifically for Xiunus worldbuilding! Make your mark on the world of Xiunus here by helping to build the planet and its items, recipes, fauna, etc. These are different from activity/other prompts in rules and requirements as well as rewards. Every Worldbuilding entry gives you one raffle ticket to the Monthly Raffle and also the Yearlong Raffle! Most of these prompts are one-submission-per-day, but we may reduce it later on if we end up with a back-log.

Most of the prompts have special rewards for implementation, such as a recipe unlock for recipe submissions and one of the items for item submissions. They also have RP/Xen rewards for implementation! We are super excited about this and really want to have the users involved in the building of the Xiunus world.


Location-Specific Rewards

On the back end, we finally have the ability to have loot tables that pay attention to a user's location in order to select what item is picked. This means that from now on, we will be working on making items that are specific to different locations. For instance, Redstone is now found via mining by colonists from the Rekes region. (I will work on adjusting this to allow the location to be specific to the location of the submission, but may take some time.)


Check out our new Public Features trello to see what we're working on and have planned for the future!

Feel free to make suggestions for updates/activities/features/changes/events etc in the #suggestions channel in the Discord or in our Suggestion Box!

Support Xiunus


If you would like to support Xiunus and its coder, please feel free to buy Uri a coffee - it really will help to keep the site afloat!

Everything we staff do for Xiunus is all an entirely volunteer effort and while we love to do what we do, all hosting (monthly $$) is done out of pocket!
We're lucky to have an in-house coder to do all our maintenance, not all ARPGs have that!

Transmission: New Action: Mining

Transmitted 3yrs and 3w ago — Last modified 3yrs and 3w ago

Status Report


If any of your colonists find strange papers, please bring them to DPIP and forget about them.

No, not the colonists. The papers.




We've released a new Prompt-action! This is a bit of a throw-back to the old Digging activity of the old Belemoid ARPG. It uses the Combat modifier due to the strength and dexterity that would be needed to navigate caves and bring back prizes from within.

Now your colonists can make their way into the depths of the caves of Rekes or sinkholes under Issiq to drag out ore and other similar items for their colonies. Be careful though, colonists have been known to gain small injuries while underground! If your colonist is prepared with a pickaxe, they might bring back an extra item home!

This also means that Foraging rewards will be adjusted to not include most of the rewards that will be within Mining.


Shemesh Seasonal Prompt

The seasonal prompt for Shemesh has finally been uploaded, sorry for the delay!


Design Guide

Recently, we updated and rearranged the Navigation Bar for the new Design Guide. The text is also larger to not be so difficult to read for tired eyes. (Yes, the markings are supposed to be fontawesome image icons... we'll be updating with real icons soon!)

There is also a Marking Order page to know what markings go above/below others!

Do be aware that we have updated some of the "rules" for some markings, especially some Appaloosa markings. We have also updated the "Blurred" rule to mean that you can blur sections of an otherwise hard or soft edged marking. We also added a specific rule to allow Ghosting or showing through white spotting genes.

Also, this introduces a new modifier to some markings: Reversal! Certain markings have the ability to reverse dark/light, such as marozi and point. These markings are only passed on by homozygous genes carrying the modifier and unlike other modified alleles (like Vp+b etc), the +r counts as its own allele so has to be added onto a homozygous-showing allele (such as Pt or mr) as its own use of Dice/Slice. We will have Natives/etc with those markings to add them into the gene pool shortly.

If any of the new marking information pages confuse you, please let us know so we can put it in the to-do list to clarify!


New Recipes + New Research Tree

There is now an Artisan research tree which has researches required for crafting various items.

We're hard at work adding new recipes and items to the game, especially those for Smithing!


Minor Quality of Life Updates

We've updated some things:

  • Whelp genomes are now visible from litter pages.
  • Design Guide pages now are a bit prettier.
  • Items in the Codex are now 24 per page versus 18 per page.
  • The "Tools" category now can be attached to characters, though currently only Pickaxe has a purpose!
  • Owners of characters now receive notifications that the slots have been used in the automated breeder.
  • The Tainted Blood award will now be automatically granted if you don't have it already and breed a mutated whelp in the automated system, even if it's a split!


Check out our new Public Features trello to see what we're working on and have planned for the future!


We're still working on the rewards for these, sit tight <3
They require a bit of code finangling to figure out some of the randomized rewards

Support Xiunus


If you would like to support Xiunus and its coder, please feel free to buy Uri a coffee - it really will help to keep the site afloat!

Everything we staff do for Xiunus is all an entirely volunteer effort and while we love to do what we do, all hosting (monthly $$) is done out of pocket!
We're lucky to have an in-house coder to do all our maintenance, not all ARPGs have that!

Transmission: Fresh Lineart for Tsabhua!

Transmitted 3yrs and 1mo ago — Last modified 3yrs and 1mo ago

New Lineart!

Jeska (NMRO) has made this wonderful new lineart for us to use!
There will be a poll on Discord about whether or not the lines should be mandatory, but I'm loving them so I think it'll be pretty unanimous!

We even have some reviews from our Super Secret Beta Testers below!


Pione says

I love the new lineart.
It’s much better than any of the old stuff and it really gives my colonists life!
I’ve moved one of my colonists over already and I’m gonna move the rest!



Meska says

Uri’s old lines were great and all, but these new lines are simply perfection.
I’ve already moved one of my colonists over, and will vote to make it mandatory.
Not really sure why we’re even having a poll - I can’t imagine anyone will disagree.



crablover420 says

I know I'm supposed to be coming up with an incredible review but I can't think beyond my desire for crab right now



Sproots says

These lines truly mean so much to me, they're exactly what I always imagined my colonists to look like. The realism is unmatched in such an amazing way.



██████ says

████ ████████ █████ ████ ████████ ████████ ████████ ██████ ████ ████████ █████████ ████████
Disclaimer: April Fools!

Transmission: Status Report & Breeding

Transmitted 3yrs and 1mo ago — Last modified 3yrs and 1mo ago

Status Report


Please be aware of your surroundings.
Any strange occurrances should be reported to DPIP


(Yes, you may have seen this news post before. See "Automated Reproduction" below for new stuff!)

Baby mods!

Myamoo425 (Sprouts) and Imagi-Nethat (Wayward Station) have joined the staff team!

So far, they've been so helpful with creating art and helping to keep the queue down while Uri works on the new systems below!


New: Forums!

Our coder created the Forums extension and set up a small forum for us! If you have any suggestions or requests for boards (specifically that don't overlap with other site functions such as Trade Listings and the Rules page) please let us know!


Automated Reproduction

We've finally released automated reproduction!! You may now access your nursery by going to this page. In order to start breeding, you'll need the Breeding Permit and to pick up your complimentary Nursery Limit of 3. Nursery limit refers to how many LITTERS one of your colonists is nursing at a time. Until it's in the system, please do not trade away/send nurses to Immigration. That's just mean, lol.

If there are any bugs (I'm sure there will be some!) let Uri know, please!!

Shaman's Heart may be used for any mutation for pre-existing litters or whelp genos until the end of March, server-time (EST). 11:59! After that point, they will need to be used only for Common genes. We're building recipes to craft up the Grandpa's Lesson item and it won't be long until that recipe is able to be found via the soon-coming Investigation action.

Pre-existing litters may now be posted to Pre-Automation Whelp Images prompt. These images should be pre-separated and must be what you would have uploaded yourself as the colonist images, on whelp lineart. These also don't count towards your Nursery Limit

Courting images can be applied directly to the breeding and the old breeding prompt has been repurposed to Courtship, where you will get the RP and XP for courtship images and text.

If you have any questions, please comment on this news post!



We're finishing up an automated reproduction system! With this, litter images will be done away with, hopefully for good. You will be able to breed your colonists (or use breeding permits if necessary) and have the whelps available immediately, unless you've set up a Courting image for them! In that case, you'll just have to wait for staff approval of the courting :)

Whelps will be automatically generated and you will be able to upload your designs straight into the whelp, instead of having to deal with a Litter Image and THEN a whole geno. This new way will be so much easier for everyone - AND it will load down the site's space less! :D

Whelps sent to the Immigration Center will automatically grant you the IV for their genetics on abandoning, just two clicks! If you want the extra point for a design, you'll need to wean them and then submit them to the Immigration Center the normal way.

Nursery Limits will be in place once again! They were used on the old Spreadsheet system, but due to the difficulty within Lorekeeper's system, we did away with it. From now on, you'll have a Nursery Limit to how many litters you can have being nursed by one of your own colonists. Having a colonist nursing whelps will lock it from being able to breed until the litter is complete - aka, all whelps must be either weaned, sent to Immigration, or culled. In order to claim your initial Nursery Limits, head over to the Breeding Permit research and claim that reward - so long as you've already purchased the Breeding Permit research!

With the new system, we're expanding some of the items and research used in breeding:

  • Shaman's Heart will only be able to apply Common mutations!
  • Grandpa's Lessons will be craftable using a Shaman's Heart and some other items - this is a recipe that you will need to unlock!
  • Slice and Dice/20 Sided Dice will now be semi-automated! You'll have to input your own replacement for a line (F f to f f, etc), which'll be checked by an admin during the approval process.
  • The Stones of Power will also be automated! To use them in a breeding, you'll just need to click a toggle instead of fishing them out of your inventory.
  • Soulstone will now have a max of 15 for each of the stats on the whelp that has it applied.


We have certain systems and changes coming soon! This is here as a preface so that you all know what to expect and what things might be changing soon, such as some item usage in breedings.

Crafting Recipes that require unlocking

I'm sure you've noticed that Crafting was released in Beta form. We're working on making more and more recipes, some of which require unlocking.

How do you unlock a recipe? You will need to find the recipe by playing the game. Some recipes are granted by achieving certain researches, some are granted by finishing certain prompts, and some are found via the upcoming Investigation system!

An ingredient is unfindable! If there's an ingredient in a recipe that doesn't have a "found at" or "purchaseable at" indicator, we may have missed it while adding it! Please let us know so we can remedy this.

I have an idea for a new recipe. Sweet, let us know in the comments!

I was granted/found a recipe I already had! There will be a "Recipe Swap" free recipe that you can plop your duplicate into to get swapped for another random recipe. If you get another duplicate, keep doing this until you get one you didn't have!




We're still working out rewards for Investigations, but they will be granted via an item called "Unopened Report" instead of the [i] indicator. That way, you'll be able to keep track of your Investigations. You'll be able to click "open" on the items in order to get them open to reveal randomized prompt text! Upon full release, we will have a Prompt for you to reply to and attach an Opened Report to earn rewards.

In the meantime: If you have [i] investigation prompts, please send in a claim with all of the links so that you can be granted the unopened reports!

Reports will be transferrable between users ONLY UNTIL they are opened!

Support Xiunus


If you would like to support Xiunus and its coder, please feel free to buy Uri a coffee - it really will help to keep the site afloat!

Everything we staff do for Xiunus is all an entirely volunteer effort and while we love to do what we do, all hosting (monthly $$) is done out of pocket!
We're lucky to have an in-house coder to do all our maintenance, not all ARPGs have that!

Transmission: Happy New Year!!

Transmitted 3yrs and 3mos ago — Last modified 3yrs and 3mos ago

Welcome 2021

Happy New Year!

We're a week into 2021, or rather: 2020 part 2. Good luck everyone, stay safe <3

New System: The Hospital!

We'd like to introduce the Hospital!

For a fee of 25 Xen, you can put one of your injured colonists into the hospital in order for another colonist to pick them up to heal them. Colonists who are in the hospital as patients cannot participate in actions, breedings, crucibles, or as a doctor. They can still have art drawn about them in order to gain XP and they can still be featured in Story Mode pieces.

Any Level One or up colonist (who isn't already a patient) can claim any patient and can attempt to heal them, so long as the owner of the doctor has the Medicine research.

The calculation for the Hospital is a 1d20 plus the doctor's Medicine skill with a 7 or above a success, though there are different levels of success. Rolling a 7 grants a little bit of XP towards the doctor and a little bit of healing towards the patient. Rolling above a 20, however, is a Medical Wonder - this usually can only occur if a colonist's Medicine skill is a positive number, ie. you roll a 20 and then add a +3 to make 23. There is the chance for catastrophic failures, which can cause additional damage to the patient. Any failure will result in the 25 xen fee being refunded to the patient's owner.

If a patient has health below 50%, they have to have Surgery - which requires Level Two and the Surgery research.

The Skilled Surgeon research rolls the initial 1d20 twice and takes the higher of the two - this is called Advantage. Basically, you have twice the chance to get a good number and heal your patient well.

Doctors can also add art pieces to get a higher chance of success.

In these cases, the healing attempt goes to the admins for approval. If it's not approved, the doctor get kicked off of the patient and the patient goes back into the pool of patients who need doctors, at no extra fee to the patient's colony. To earn XP for the art/lit, the artist/writer should also submit the piece into the Hospital Visit prompt.

Last Call for Stat Increases from the old system.

You have just under one week to send in a submission to this prompt if you have passed certain XP (old system: LVL) counts and want to pick up any missed stat increases from the old system. This is only applicable to XP thresholds that have been passed on the site. If you passed them back when we were on the Sheets system, it won't count - and we will be back-checking the old Sheets to make sure.

Link to your colonists and state what thresholds they passed before the new Leveling system was put in place and request the specific stats.

As a reminder, the old thresholds were: 30, 40, 60, 80, and 100.

Please don't try to cheat us by using XP gained after the new Level system was set up. Anything from after December 25 isn't applicable.

Support Xiunus


If you would like to support Xiunus and its coder, please feel free to buy me a coffee - it really will help to keep the site afloat!

Everything we staff do for Xiunus is all an entirely volunteer effort and while we love to do what we do, we do have to eat :').