INCOMING Transmission from Xione

Event! Plans! Staff Apps!

<<<<<<< TERMINAL 66>>>>>>>



Transmitted 4 years ago :: Updated 4 years ago


Please, Mind the dust

Welcome to Xiunus on Lorekeeper!

If you've been around on the site already, thank you - your feedback and bug reporting has been essential to making sure the site looks and acts its best! If you're just getting started on the site, some things are different. By nature of changing hosts completely from a Journal/Comment based system to the Lorekeeper base site, things will be different. 

What is Lorekeeper? --- Lorekeeper is an arpg-focused dA framework or base site that is now largely community-driven. New functionality and fun things are being added regularly, which makes it a lot easier for us to bring that functionality in!

Why did we switch to it? --- Deviantart Eclipse is awful for groups. Have you tried making a journal lately? I've had to make a couple since the Switch and I am Not Loving It. Lorekeeper had a lot of the base functionality that we needed and was the most viable option - plus, it was getting to be a pain to try to keep track of two different sites (dA and TH!)

If you come across any bugs or errors, please let Uri know asap on Discord! While we're working off of the Lorekeeper framework, a lot of the functionality (such as the Offspring list and Breeding Permissions) are coded entirely by Uri in a new language.


New on Lorekeeper

Check out what's different:

In order to participate/level/etc, you will need an account on

We know it's a pain to have to make a new account on something, but it's essential! Deviantart after Eclipse is awful to work with, so we've been trying to move everything over here, though we'll still be approving submissions to the deviantart group or even the Toyhouse world.

Forms and the like must be done on-site unless otherwise specified!

All art and literature should be submitted via either Prompts or Claims

Prompts if they're specific things like Crucibles, Actions, or Memes; Claims if they're just art for art's sake with no specific goal in mind.

You don't have to submit using a Deviantart link, but keep in mind that if you are using a different source, it must be available to the public without forcing staff members to make accounts on various websites to see.

    • If you submit a plain image file or a Deviantart link, it will share the Prompt on the home page once approved.

Art and literature Research Points still go to the creator of the work - if you are submitting a piece that someone else has made, you should always link to the user's on-site account. It's always preferable to have the piece submitted by the creator, but it's understandable if the owner of colonists in the pieces submit it.

    • If the artist/writer hasn't made an account yet then it'll be up to them to later claim the RP.
    • For Courting images, if the artist for the courting image is different from the person posting the breeding request, we ask that the URL link for the breeding request goes to the courting prompt and isn't just the courting image again.
The old Google Docs bank has moved completely on-site to user inventories.

If you have a Bank account on the Doc and have just made an account, please send in a Claim to request whatever items you have there. For speed, please include them in the Rewards! Just hit "Add Reward" and "Item" or "Currency" based on what you need added.

User to user trading or transfers of items/colonists can be done without the oversight of the staff!

Colonists are more customizable!

You can now fill out a profile for colonists and add a little "Small Note" for them that shows up on your profile and on their own import page. Profiles are especially fun to have stories, personalities, etc! The "small note" is especially good for things like nicknames or ranks.

Breeding Permissions are now hosted on-site!

If you go to a character, you can hit the "Breeding Perms" link on the left hand side of the page to access their breeding permissions and generate some! Generating is the same as issuing them to other people and subtracts 1 Breeding Slot from the colonist, so from now on in any breeding you're using a breeding permission for, you will link to their breeding perms and specify which one you're using. You will then just include that colonist and won't include the -1 slot reward for them.


The site is still in Beta, which means that while most things are functional, some things will be changing and adjusting as we go. Please back up your data, if you fill out any profiles or the like! We do regular back-ups but it would be a shame if something went wrong and anyone lost their data!


Event: Tendrils of the Spore

Something strange is brewing on the continent of B'Av!

Event Prompt: Tendrils of the Spore*

Huge tendrils and fungal growths have appeared across the continent! It's up to you and your colonists to investigate this strange phenomenon and determine whether it's dangerous or not!

New Action: Foraging

If you look over at prompts, you will notice a new Action called Foraging! Essentially, depict your colonists roaming the planet in search of food, bugs, items, etc! As we make more art, we will make more items to add to the possibilities of what you can find! Unfortunately, unlike previous plans, these are not yet location-specific.

This new Action will remain after the event ends!

Scavenger Hunt*

Look around the site for ten fun guys! Please don't share the links or locations publicly - hitting claim on the items you find adds the item to your inventory!

Contest:Mascot Design Contest*

Participate in a mascot design contest for Xen, a diplomatic treaty (Max Population), and the chance for a free Abandoned Belemoid Whelp!

Promotional EVENT*

Get a simple free belemoid or tsabhua (your choice!) for advertising for Xiunus, with extra bonuses for the people you tag, especially those who join and claim their free colonist!


*Closes: September 30th at Midnight EST.


Upcoming Functionality

Check out the functionality we're working on!

Comments system.
  • This is a big one! Once we have this set up nicely, we'll be able to pull away from Deviantart/Toyhouse in an even better way!
    This will be super helpful for many different things, such as Trading Post offers.
  • Heyyy, look at that! As of September 13th, we have comments :D BIG shout out to Newt, who did a lot of the heavy lifting!
Research Tree System.
  • This is another BIG project that I have to code from scratch. Right now, all Research is purchased on the Deviantart or Toyhouse forms and stored in a temporary research log.
  • With the addition of comments, all purchases should be made on our Research page for now!
Attachable Items
  • We have it in the plans to have some attachable items that you'll be able to get for your colonists that will in turn affect their skill modifiers or will have other fun effects.


You can access the full progress trello here:  

19-image.png  18-image.png

Staff Applications

DQ has decided to step back from the team to focus on school and the future, so we are opening staff applications.

We've roughed up a Now Hiring page - if you're interested in joining the team, please don't hesitate to send in an application! We're currently All-Purpose staff, but there is the chance to specialize as we grow!

There's no set deadline, but we have exciting stuff planned and would love to have more hands aboard :)

Or'sol Avatar
Or'sol  â¬¤ 4yrs and 6mos ago *
Featured by Owner
Seriously so proud of you for how far the site has come :')
Keep up the absolutely fantabulous work!
Xione Avatar
Xione  â­˜ 4yrs and 6mos ago
Thank you!! <3
Xione Avatar
Xione  â­˜ 4yrs and 6mos ago
Comments are now Here ;)
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