INCOMING Development Log from Xione

RELEASE v3.0.0

Transmitted 1 month ago :: Updated 1 month ago

Major Version

This is a major version (see this dev log for explanation) for a Lorekeeper major version prerelease and other adjustments since the last devlog.

Lorekeeper V.3.0.0 Prerelease

  • LK version 3.0.0 prerelease was installed, with a number of fixes and features that many of us have already seen, as we had been on a development version prior to now.
  • Admin side logs
  • WYSIWYG comments (bugged!)
  • Two Factor Authentication
  • Admin side sorting
  • Data images now have hashes. No more going to 150-image.png etc to see what's not released yet!
    • Some data that had old art across the site will have those images break, so if you see any broken images, please alert us here
  • Username adjustment (not yet set up here, coming soon)
  • (There's more but I accidentally closed the tab and lost my first draft)

Design Guide

  • Revamped design guide homepage, with image examples for things such as mane, claws, skin, etc
  • Added links to markings that follow certain rules on the rule pages

Footer and Credits

  • Footer has been redesigned with inspiration from the Dungeon Coursers ARPG
  • Credit page has been adjusted accordingly
  • Credit page also now includes item credits

Whelps and Breeding

  • Whelp phenotypes are now clickable on whelp weaning and information pages
  • New breedings with male dam AND female sire have their dam/sire flipped to standard
  • Boy power and girl power should work again
  • Test tubes should be consumed

Stats and Skills

  • Stats were rebalanced with a script, so all existing colonists with less than 5 in a stat were repooled and all colonists with a pool of less than 45 had additional stats awarded to use
  • Combat skill has been renamed to Mining skill
  • Skill specialties have been connected with their prompts and put into a tree format. Each tree has a flavour name of a "guild" you can say your colonist is a part of
  • Fixed bug where high-statted colonists couldn't add to their stats (report)


  • Fixed bug preventing design cooldown from being set upon adoption
  • Immigrants now automatically get their names, background items, and prices set upon completion

Loot Tables

  • On prompts where damage can occur due to failure, a roll of 1 or less (affected by skill modifiers) will cause a roll to occur against the colonist's Armour Class
    • If they fail, they get an injury, otherwise they lose some HP
  • New loot tables have been set up for each region for the two main activities. They are now visible for logged in users to see and plan out their activities

Misc. Bugfixes

  • Fixed bug preventing admins from granting pets with variants
  • Fixed bug preventing users from purchasing items with monthly limits (report)
  • Fixed bug where the site got confused about parentage (report)
  • Fixed inability to comment on gallery posts, litters, etc (report)

EVENT and coming Soon

  • R???S - Almost completed ???G ?N?. Working on R??? T??.
  • C?LO??S? A??O?? - Placement prepared, Rest Preparing.
  • C??S??V?T??Y - Working on.
  • S??V??G??? - Ready for release.
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