[Group] of [Plural]
Pack of Tark'ee
M | F | Young
Tiercel | Hen | Hatchling

Tark'ee, also known without the apostrophe as Tarkee, are a species newly discovered on Xiunus. Markedly different from native Xunari species, these have begun to integrate into society. They are a large species, many are taller even than Tsabhua, with a certain subspecies that continues to grow as they age. The running theory is that there was some disturbance in the time continuum and they were deposited here via some sort of wormhole, though Tark'ee who are followers of the old ways will mention their Ancestors, insisting that they had some part in this transition. DPIP has no comment on this matter.

The tark'ee species was created by ClarityWind as a standalone ARPG.

Height Range* (Metric)
300cm – 400cm
Height Range* (Imperial):
9 ft 10 in – 13 ft 1 in
*Height is always at top of the the withers/shoulders.

Base Coat Colours

Categorized by intensity
Click on a colour to the left to see the palettes!

Different species on Xiunus have different colour palletes and different names for those colours.
For instance, a Tsabhua's "silver" is a Belemoid's "granite".

Markings should generally be based on the palette of the base coat, except for in the case of the monochrome bases (black, silver, and white in each species's own terms), where some fall under the "monochromatic exception," meaning they can use other bases. Read individual marking guides to see more information.

Monochrome Midnight
These colours are greyscale except in the case of each species's version of silver, which can be tinted. In the case of a tint, go to that colour.

Anything with KK CCMMYYKk CCMMYYkk

Midnight + Cream

Midnight + Charred
Monochrome Lilac
These colours are greyscale except in the case of each species's version of silver, which can be tinted. In the case of a tint, go to that colour.

CcMmYyKk CcMmYykk ccmmyyKk

Lilac + Cream

Lilac + Charred
Monochrome Snow
These colours are greyscale except in the case of each species's version of silver, which can be tinted. In the case of a tint, go to that colour.


Snow + Cream

Snow + Charred
Strong Cerulean
These colours are affected by only one of the main colour alleles (C, M, and Y).

CcmmyyKk Ccmmyykk CCmmyykk CCmmyyKk

Cerulean + Cream

Cerulean + Charred

Cerulean Tinted Lilac
CCMmYyKk · CCMmYykk
Strong Rose
These colours are affected by only one of the main colour alleles (C, M, and Y).

ccMmyyKk ccMmyykk ccMMyykk ccMMyyKk

Rose + Cream

Rose + Charred

Rose Tinted Lilac
CcMMYyKk · CcMMYykk
Strong Marigold
These colours are affected by only one of the main colour alleles (C, M, and Y).

ccmmYyKk ccmmYykk ccmmYYKk ccmmYYkk

Marigold + Cream

Marigold + Charred

Marigold Tinted Lilac
CcMmYYKk · CcMmYYkk
Softmix Emerald
These are a mix of C, M, and Y but don't have a dominant K allele. (They are always lowercase k.).

CcmmYykk CcmmYYkk CCmmYykk CCmmYYkk

Emerald + Cream

Emerald + Charred

Emerald Tinted Lilac
Softmix Coral
These are a mix of C, M, and Y but don't have a dominant K allele. (They are always lowercase k.).

ccMmYykk ccMmYYkk ccMMYykk ccMMYYkk

Coral + Cream

Coral + Charred

Coral Tinted Lilac
Softmix Mulberry
These are a mix of C, M, and Y but don't have a dominant K allele. (They are always lowercase k.).

CcMmyykk CcMMyykk CCMmyykk CCMMyykk

Mulberry + Cream

Mulberry + Charred

Mulberry Tinted Lilac
Hardmix Royal
These are a mix of C, M, and Y but always have one dominant K allele. (K_) They never have a "silver" tint.

CcMmyyKk CcMMyyKk CCMmyyKk CCMMyyKk

Royal + Cream

Royal + Charred
Hardmix Crab
These are a mix of C, M, and Y but always have one dominant K allele. (K_) They never have a "silver" tint.

CcmmYyKk CcmmYYKk CCmmYyKk CCmmYYKk

Crab + Cream

Crab + Charred
Hardmix Mud
These are a mix of C, M, and Y but always have one dominant K allele. (K_) They never have a "silver" tint.

ccMmYyKk ccMmYYKk ccMMYyKk ccMMYYKk

Mud + Cream

Mud + Charred
Common Tark'ee

The classic or "common" Tark'ee is most similar to the species that Tark'ee who recall a time before Xiunus would call Earth Tark'ee.. These Tark'ee are typically four-legged with distinct hard beaks and wide, pointed ears that are shorter than those of the Tsabhua. They have medium to short length fur and are built for stamina and speed on land, with soft-padded paws and lean bodies supported by powerful legs. They have retractable claws, although older individuals may have difficulty with their frontal retractions as they did not have this ability in the past.

The Tark'ee's beaks are primarily used for delivering swift damage to prey, but they are also well-suited for eating a wide range of foods such as berries, roots, meat, and fish. There is a noticeable size difference between male and female Tark'ee, with females being smaller and less muscled than their male counterparts. Males often have slight ridges on either side of their skull, a trait that is said to have originally been associated with horns or other bony protuberances. In the past, it was mostly males that had these additions, along with manes and longer tufts of fur around their necks. While females may still have these traits nowadays, they are not as common.

Behaviour and Society

The common Tark'ee are known for their gentle, humble, and caring nature, which is often passed down by older generations to their offspring. However, this can vary depending on the variety of lifestyles found on Xiunus. The common Tark'ee are highly cooperative and thrive in groups that include extended family networks. These tribes of Tark'ee often send representatives to meet at a designated place every few years to seek guidance from their Ancestor, the Earth Mother, a mythical figure said to have been present in physical form in the original home of Dondir.

Like the nomadic Tsabhua, the common Tark'ee rarely stay in one place for too long, making them excellent explorers and traders for colonies. They enjoy helping other species build settlements and gather materials for towns and cities. While some Tark'ee subspecies resist wearing clothing or gear, common Tark'ee are happy to wear harnesses and saddles to carry companions or haul materials.

Culture is very important to common Tark'ee tribes and they are generally very supportive of their neighboring tribes, often participating in festivals and other events.

Family Life

The common Tark'ee are generally monogamous, though there are some tribes that practice polygamy. Mating is viewed as a recreational activity, but they have also introduced Bonding Ceremonies to Xunari culture as a way to encourage lifelong, trusting relationships.

Young common Tark'ee are raised by their family unit, with all adults in the tribe working hard to ensure that the hatchlings, as young Tark'ee are called, have a healthy upbringing and are kept safe. The common Tark'ee have a tradition of oral history, especially after arriving on Xiunus, in order to preserve their history.

The common Tark'ee place a great importance on preserving their history through oral tradition. This is especially true after arriving on Xiunus, as they wanted to ensure that their history would not be lost. To do this, Tark'ee tribes often have designated storytellers who are responsible for recounting the history of the tribe to the younger generation. These stories can include important events, legends, and cultural traditions.

The Tark'ee believe that the act of telling these stories is a way to connect with their ancestors and pay respect to their history. These stories are often told during important tribal gatherings or ceremonies, and are passed down from generation to generation. The storytellers take their role very seriously, as they are responsible for keeping the tribe's history alive.

Design Rules

Like most other playable species, tark'ee have their own colour patterns that are unique to their breed. They also have unique markings: panda and eyelet.

When applicable via a mutation such as tail tuft or mohawk, these must be darker than the base coat.


Aquatic Tark'ee

Aquatic Tark'ee, also known as Wave Tark'ee, are the smallest of the Tark'ee and are well adapted to their environment of the ocean, with webbed feet and thick blubber to protect from cold waters. Their fur is extremely short and appears smooth, very similar to Earth Sol's "seals". Their beaks have a very thin covering of this fur, though the colour of the beak can poke through regardless. They are very often of blue or green colouration, though they will not spurn any other colours, especially vibrant ones. Despite appearing smooth, their beaks are serrated within and point inwards, all the better to catch and eat prey - mostly fish. They have the longest tail-to-body ratio of the Tark'ee and the shortest leg-to-body ratio, usually keeping close to the ground and only picking themselves up when they need to move on land in swaying, crocodilian movements. These creatures can remain underwater for hours without needing to resurface for air and therefore often live in the oceans. They also have gills naturally to take in low amounts of oxygen while underwater, extending their underwater time.

Some aquatic tark'ee are lithe like Terran otters, while others have very bulky forms, like the origin species.

Height Range* (Metric)
160cm – 260cm
Height Range* (Imperial):
5 ft 2 in – 8 ft 6 in
*Height is always at the top of the withers/shoulders.

Draconic Tark'ee

Draconic Tark'ee, also known as Serpentine Tark'ee or even Abominations, were originally the results of freakish combinations of other subspecies of Tark'ee, though now they are a subspecies in their own right. They are serpentine creatures that grow as they age, getting longer and thicker as the years past. They are effectively immortal through aging, shedding multiple times a year to keep up with their growth. To the unaware, they may appear to be very large snakes, but once you see the beak, you know them apart from other serpentine species. Many of the other species despise or fear the Draconics.

Length Range* (Metric)
700cm – 2000cm
Length Range* (Imperial):
22 ft 11 in – 65 ft 7 in
*Height is always at the top of the withers/shoulders.