Mining Division

Colonists that bring minerals and metals from the ground
Level One
Midnight Sun 0348 of Wayward Station Midnight S...

Black female tsabhua adult with dominant underbelly, viper, and mask.

Level One
Spring's Humor 0394 of Wayward Station Spring's H...

Leopard appaloosa twig male tsabhua adult with heartfire.
Carried: Truespot

Head of Mining
Level Zero
Ragged 0547 of Wayward Station Ragged

Appaloosa slate female tsabhua whelp with dun, heartfire, sabino, dominant underbelly, choker, and mask.
Carried: Truespot and viper

Miner in Training
Level Zero
Sunder 0548 of Wayward Station Sunder

Blanket appaloosa black male tsabhua whelp with nyala, sabino, underbelly, choker, and mask.
Carried: Heartfire, truespot, and viper

Miner in Training