Science Division
Silver male tsabhua adult with dun, nyala, sabino, mask, and barring.
Carried: Flaxen, countershading, heartfire, and truespot
Greying dominant appaloosa navy male tsabhua adult with heartfire, dominant nyala, point, sabino, underbelly, and mask.
Carried: Pearl, flaxen, and viper
Navy female tsabhua adult with impala, nyala, point, and sabino.
Carried: Flaxen, countershading, and heartfire
Blanket appaloosa softened white female tsabhua whelp with countershading, underbelly, and mask.
Carried: Heartfire and truespot
Redcurrant female belemoid adult with countershading, underbelly, and okapi.
Carried: Artifice
Slate female tsabhua whelp with flaxen, dun, impala, heartfire, nyala, point, dominant sabino, mask, and barring.
Twig male tsabhua whelp with flaxen, nyala, sabino, and corella.
Carried: Heartfire and truespot
Silver male saltwater tsabhua whelp with dapple and marozi.