Diplomacy Division

Colonists that maintain relations with natives and other colonies
Level One
Chaser of the Sunrise 0204 of Wayward Station Chaser of...

Roan twig female tsabhua adult with dun, dominant underbelly, choker, and mask.
Carried: Viper

Station Diplomat
Level One
Iron Heart 0438 of Wayward Station Iron Heart

Appaloosa brick female tsabhua adult with impala, point, sabino, dominant underbelly, and mask.
Carried: Truespot and viper

Level One
Cacao 0087 of Wayward Station Cacao

Bay male belemoid adult with dominant point, irish spotting, and underbelly.

Level Zero
Ashes of Dawn 0372 of Wayward Station Ashes of D...

Greying pearl appaloosa silver female tsabhua whelp with flaxen, nyala, dominant underbelly, choker, and mask.
Carried: Heartfire

Diplomat in Training
Level Zero
Hidden Lagoon 0536 of Wayward Station Hidden Lag...

Slate male tsabhua whelp with countershading, dun, point, underbelly, and choker.
Carried: Viper

Diplomat in Training
Level Zero
Pyrite 0537 of Wayward Station Pyrite

Greying leaf male tsabhua whelp with nyala and underbelly.
Carried: Heartfire and truespot

Diplomat in Training