Submission (#1933)

Crucible of Dexterity


Home: Mireh — Submission: Issiq

Submitted 1yr and 10mos ago

Processed 1yr and 10mos ago by Xione



Crucible of Dexterity for Siv, Spen and Ma'groth.

"Cross a raging river using only the unstable stepping stones."
Flame and Sahara chillin' out.

XP Breakdown

  • 1226 words = 12
  • Foreign Colonist = +2 (Snip's) or +3 (Or'Sol's)
  • Prime Friend (Ma'groth) = +1
  • Accurate Region = +1 (Snip's)

Total = 15 Ma'groth, 16 Flame, 16 to Siv, Sahara and Spen

RP Breakdown

  • Base = 15+16+16+16+16 = 79
  • R+ = 79
  • BoA (Ma'groth) = 15
  • Storytelling = 5

Total = 178 RP

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Or'sol


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Crucible of Dexterity

1 DEX (Dexterity)

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Ma'groth 0190

Ma'groth 0190

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Dexterity Stat
Observations in Issiq
Ma'groth 0190 caught sight of someone in the far distance.
Class: Miner
Cheesecake / Shadow of Flames 0344 Background

Cheesecake / Shadow of Flames 0344

Unknown Raffle Ticket x 1
Observations in Issiq
Cheesecake / Shadow of Flames 0344 realized it was after dark already!
You see Cheesecake / Shadow of Flames 0344 sheltering from a sandstorm with Daago IT11.
Spen 0746 Background

Spen 0746

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Dexterity Stat
Observations in Issiq
Spen 0746 witnessed a violently aggressive display of dominance from a jaebo male.
Siv 0752 Background

Siv 0752

25 Xen
Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Dexterity Stat
Observations in Issiq
Siv 0752 defended you from a rogue tsabhua, gathering 25 Xen after the encounter.

No addons are included in this submission.

Xione Avatar
Xione  â­˜ 6mos and 6d ago
Crucible point has been recorded for Ma'groth 0190
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