Colony Expansion

New Player Guide Series: SEVEN


Colony Expansion

Colony expansion involves two things - gaining more colonists, and increasing your colony's maximum population. Each player starts with one randomly generated Tsabhua colonist, and a total of 10 population spots (so you can get 9 more colonists before you need to increase colony size).

This guide will list the various ways of doing both, as well as pointing out easy ways for a new player to get going.

More Colonists

Breeding The most popular way to get more colonists is by reproduction. Once you obtain the Breeding Permit research with in-game currency, you can begin to breed your own colonists together or via breeding permissions you've obtained from other players, which lets you use their colonists in reproduction. You can also take part in something called a Split, where two users share a litter between each other. The user who submits a breeding must have the permission in order to post the breeding.

Immigration In your newbie starter pack, you received some Immigration Vouchers. You can use these to purchase Immigrants in the Immigration Center, our in-house adoption center.

Story Mode Several of the Story Mode prompts have randomly generated adult colonists as rewards. You can get a tsabhua for completing one prompt in each of the six sections and a belemoid for full completion.

Observation These are randomly generated events that you can request for eligible submissions. Each has a small change of a Native encounter or even finding a lost whelp, which you unlock the same way that you unlocked your starter colonist.

Trades Sometimes, users will submit trade listings to advertise their colonists and genos.

Discord More often, players wanting to offload colonists will post advertisements on the official discord server. Players often have extra whelps they sell, or older colonists that don't quite fit into their stories anymore. Newbie tip: if you post in the advertisements server saying that you're a newbie looking for your second colonist, people usually jump to help out!

More Space

You have limited population spots in your colony until your colony becomes overpopulated, which can limit your gameplay. The most common way to increase your population cap is to go to your My Activity page and click on one of the buttons to purchase some spots.

Items — There are also some items that increase population count, such as the diplomatic agreement. This can be found during some activities.

Diplomatic Agreement item

Wheel of Mercy A monthly artless prompt, you can spin the Wheel of Mercy and have a chance of gaining an additional colony spot or an additional colonist. Be warned, though, that it can remove population spots, which can bump you into Overpopulated if you were toeing the line!