Immigration Center

You may only sponsor one Immigrant every thirty days.

Come here to adopt homeless immigrants!

If you wish to donate a colonist to the Immigration Center, we ask that if you have a transparent version of their design that is not their current image, you submit for a design update to switch them to the transparent version. Thank you! 

Certain types of colonist, such as Natives, will instead be returned to the wild automatically and will be available for Diplomacy once more.

Available immigrants will refresh 10h and 4s from now
Immigrant 1364
Immigrant 1364 Background
Visible: Black female tsabhua whelp with impala, nyala, point, dominant underbelly, and ember. Carries: Pearl, flaxen, and heartfire
9 Immigration Vouchers
Immigrant 1548
Immigrant 1548 Background
Visible: Oat tinted silver female tsabhua whelp with impala, dominant point, underbelly, and choker. Carries: Pearl, heartfire, and truespot
9 Immigration Vouchers
Immigrant 1551
Immigrant 1551 Background
Visible: Black female tsabhua whelp with point and ember. Carries: Heartfire
4 Immigration Vouchers
Immigrant 1552
Immigrant 1552 Background
Visible: Brick female tsabhua whelp with dun, impala, and viper. Carries: Countershading
5 Immigration Vouchers
Immigrant 1571
Immigrant 1571 Background
Visible: Roan black female tsabhua whelp.
2 Immigration Vouchers
Immigrant 1592
Immigrant 1592 Background
Visible: Leopard appaloosa slate male tsabhua whelp with dominant nyala and stripe. Carries: Countershading, heartfire, and truespot
8 Immigration Vouchers
Immigrant 1602
Immigrant 1602 Background
Visible: Cream cracked isabella female belemoid whelp with choker. Carries: Dapple and reversed okapi
6 Immigration Vouchers
Colonists adopted from the Immigration Center automatically have their design update cooldown set to two weeks.