The customs within Tsabhua tribes of Xiunus.


While not much is known by the colonies about the tribes of Tsabhua that roam the wilds, more and more is being learned about them.

Coming of Age

Young tribal tsabhua gather together in Coming of Age ceremonies that differ from tribe to tribe in small ways. Nevertheless, the young tsabhua generally go out on expeditions not unlike colonies' Crucibles. In tribes whose main focus is livestock, they may forge ahead and ready migration routes, while more sedentary tribes may have youth build new irrigation systems or plot out new planting grounds.


Used as a form of punishment, a tsabhua is restrained and their horn is sawed off. There are no nerves within the horn but it does often bleed quite a lot, but no more than during the annual shedding of horns that all Tsabhua go through. If you see a tsabhua without a horn during the horned-seasons, it is assumed that they have done some grave crime or made some error that was not enough to require death but was enough that they would need to remind others and themselves of their shame. The horns grow back as if they had shed normally but it's often a situation a tsabhua is slow to forget.
