Charred lilac female tark'ee whelp.
Carried: Pearl
Cerulean tinted lilac male aquatic tark'ee whelp with underbelly, ember, and banding.
Emerald tinted lilac male aerobic tark'ee whelp with panda and ember.
Lavender female saltwater tsabhua whelp with dominant bandit, koi, and tapir.
Greying brick female saltwater tsabhua whelp with choker.
Carried: Viper
Lilac female tark'ee whelp with underbelly, viper, and marozi.
Onyx female reef belemoid whelp with point, seychellois, and mask.
Cerulean tinted lilac female tark'ee whelp with countershading and underbelly.
Black female tsabhua adult with impala and ticking.