Pearl black male tsabhua adult with heartfire and underbelly.
Carried: Countershading

Salmon female tsabhua adult with choker, ember, and okapi.
Carried: Truespot

Greying appaloosa silver female tsabhua adult with heartfire and mask.
Carried: Viper

Cream fewspot appaloosa slate tinted silver male tsabhua adult with dun, heartfire, and point.
Carried: Truespot and dapple

Creampearl roan appaloosa navy female tsabhua adult with nyala, point, underbelly, choker, and mask.
Carried: Flaxen and heartfire

Appaloosa slate tinted silver male tsabhua adult with countershading, dun, impala, heartfire, nyala, point, sable, choker, bumblebee viper, and mask.
Carried: Pearl and flaxen

Leucistic male reef belemoid whelp with barring.

Appaloosa slate male tsabhua whelp with point, truespot, underbelly, and mask.
Carried: Flaxen

Bay male belemoid adult with dun, reversed underbelly, choker, and blanket.
Carried: Pearl