Submission (#2679)

Crucible of Constitution


Home: Mireh — Submission: Ocean

Submitted 6mos and 2w ago

Processed 6mos and 1w ago by Wayward Station



Woodland +16
Word count = +10
Environment = +2
Foreign Colonists = +2 (Té Alvuin, Kholchu)
Prime Friends = +2 (Té Alvuin, Kholchu)

Té Alvuin the Vampire "Té Alvuin" +15
Word count = +10
Environment = +2
Foreign Colonists = +1 (Woodland)
Prime Friends = +2 (Woodland, Kholchu)

Kholchu Bloodweaver "Kholchu" +15
Word count = +10
Environment = +2
Foreign Colonists = +1 (Woodland)
Prime Friends = +2 (Woodland, Té Alvuin)

RP = 107
Base = 46
BoO = 15 (Woodland)

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to LostInProgres


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Crucible of Constitution

1 CON (Constitution)

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Toxic Woodland 0805 Background

Toxic Woodland 0805

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Constitution Stat
Observations in Ocean
Toxic Woodland 0805 pulled up their line and found Green Coral!
Té Alvuin the Vampire 0831

Té Alvuin the Vampire 0831

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Constitution Stat
Observations in Ocean
Your party is certain they hear some singing in the distance, but you decide to steer away from it.
How peculiar! Té Alvuin the Vampire 0831 approaches you with Aquamarine Pigment.
Kholchu Bloodweaver 0847 Background

Kholchu Bloodweaver 0847

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Constitution Stat
Observations in Ocean
Kholchu Bloodweaver 0847 pries open a shell to reveal a Pearl!
Kholchu Bloodweaver 0847 opened up one of the fish traps and found Broken Pot.
How peculiar! Kholchu Bloodweaver 0847 approaches you with Silver Pigment.

No addons are included in this submission.

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