Woodland took a deep breath before diving underwater again. Té Alvuin had already dived back down a while ago, going back to the place where Kholchu was still looking at the shipwreck. Woodland was a little worried about the belemoid not coming up for air with the others, but quickly realized that the belemoid was already swimming up for air, too. Té Alvuin seemed to notice too, gesturing to Woodland to head back to the surface, likely so the three could talk.

Poking her head out of the surface again, Woodland shot a quick reassuring smile to the Xunari accompanying them on the boat. They had looked a little concerned seeing her and Té Alvuin surface again, but seemed to go right back to their work, reassured that nothing had gone horribly wrong.

When Kholchu surfaced too, Té Alvuin sighed, frustrated. "This is going to take forever!" Woodland was quite surprised at the sudden outburst, which made her trip over her words a tad as she replied "we uh- could probably ask the boat- the Xunari on the boat for help?"

Kholchu shook his head "No need, we'll manage. Just going to require some teamwork, I suppose." 

Té Alvuin sighed in, what Woodland guessed was, agreement. "Maybe we just need a game plan."

Woodland nodded in agreement "We just need part of it, right?" to which Té Alvuin nodded. "I suppose it'd be easiest if we just grabbed a piece closest to the surface, if we don't need anything in specific?" 

The two belemoids shrugged. "That does sound easiest." 

Woodland peered down into the waters, just making out the ship trough the waves. It had sunken to the bottom of the ocean not far off the coast. Luckily, Woodland had been told everyone had managed to get off of the ship in time and either got picked up by fishers, or managed to swim to the shore.

"We should be able to nab a fragment off of that corner." she pointed to the hull of the ship, which was pointing to the surface, having tilted on it's way down to the ocean floor.

Kholchu seemed to think it over, but quickly shook his head "That won't do. The ship is stronger there, somehow. It felt weaker towards the bottom of the ship, near the seafloor."

Woodland looked down into the waters thoughtfully. Kholchu was likely right, the area of the ship that was next on the seafloor likely having been beating against the rocks for years now. It should be easy enough to grab a chunk off of it there. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to make out the details of the shipwreck below. It was murky, but she could just make out the jagged outline of the ship's hull resting on the ocean floor. The years of erosion, salt, and the relentless beat of the waves had taken their toll, and now the once-proud vessel was little more than a deteriorating hulk.

"Alright," she said after a moment, nodding to herself. "If the bottom of the ship is weaker, we can focus our efforts there. We just need to get a piece big enough to bring back."

Té Alvuin let out another sigh, still frustrated, but seemed to accept the plan. "We’ll have to be careful, though. If we pull too hard or at the wrong angle, we could cause a collapse. That wreck's not exactly stable."

Kholchu grunted his agreement. "I'll guide us once we’re down there. I noticed a part near the rear of the ship where the wood is practically crumbling. If we start there, we should be able to break off a section and carry it to the surface together."

Kholchu quickly added "I'll guide us once we’re down there. I noticed a part near the rear of the ship where the wood is practically crumbling. If we start there, we should be able to break off a section."

"Okay then, let's do it," Woodland said, taking another deep breath before diving back into the water.

The cold hit her as she plunged beneath the surface, the chill of the ocean wrapping around her body like the worst blanket in history. She could hear the muted swish of Té Alvuin and Kholchu diving in beside her. Together, they swam toward the shipwreck, the dark silhouette of the vessel looming larger as they descended.

As they neared the wreck, Woodland saw the area Kholchu had mentioned. The wood was badly splintered, rotted through in many places, and there were cracks running along the seams where the hull had been battered by the ocean's floor. It looked like a fragile skeleton of what it once was.

Kholchu gestured to a particularly weak-looking section near the bottom of the ship and then mimicked the motion of pulling. Woodland nodded in understanding and positioned herself on the opposite side of him. Té Alvuin moved into place as well, the three of them ready to work together.

The three began to tug at the weakened wood, slowly at first to avoid causing too much damage at once. Woodland felt the resistance as the ship’s stubborn frame held on, but she could also sense the ship being torn apart beneath her fingers. The wood was soft, almost spongy in places, and as they pulled harder, she could hear the groaning creaks as the structure gave away.

Suddenly, there was a sharp crack, and a large section of the hull splintered off in their hands. The water around them filled with a cloud of debris as the fragment separated from the rest of the ship. Woodland felt a moment of triumph. this piece would be more than enough for what they needed. With the piece of the ship now in their possession, they began the slow ascent back to the surface. 

Breaking through the water again, Woodland took a deep breath, relieved to be back in the open air. The Xunari on the boat waved, noticing their return, and quickly prepared to help them aboard. Woodland heaved the fragment of the ship onto the deck with a grunt of effort, and then helped the two Belemoids up on the ship, happy with a job well done.

Total Wordcount: 1034
1 to 200
Woodland took a deep breath before diving underwater again. Té Alvuin had already dived back down a while ago, going back to the place where Kholchu was still looking at the shipwreck. Woodland was a little worried about the belemoid not coming up for air with the others, but quickly realized that the belemoid was already swimming up for air, too. Té Alvuin seemed to notice too, gesturing to Woodland to head back to the surface, likely so the three could talk. Poking her head out of the surface again, Woodland shot a quick reassuring smile to the Xunari accompanying them on the boat. They had looked a little concerned seeing her and Té Alvuin surface again, but seemed to go right back to their work, reassured that nothing had gone horribly wrong. When Kholchu surfaced too, Té Alvuin sighed, frustrated. "This is going to take forever!" Woodland was quite surprised at the sudden outburst, which made her trip over her words a tad as she replied "we uh- could probably ask the boat- the Xunari on the boat for help?" Kholchu shook his head "No need, we'll manage. Just going to require some teamwork, I suppose." Té Alvuin sighed
Mention Counter
Toxic Woodland: 5 mentions

201 to 400
in, what Woodland guessed was, agreement. "Maybe we just need a game plan." Woodland nodded in agreement "We just need part of it, right?" to which Té Alvuin nodded. "I suppose it'd be easiest if we just grabbed a piece closest to the surface, if we don't need anything in specific?" The two belemoids shrugged. "That does sound easiest." Woodland peered down into the waters, just making out the ship trough the waves. It had sunken to the bottom of the ocean not far off the coast. Luckily, Woodland had been told everyone had managed to get off of the ship in time and either got picked up by fishers, or managed to swim to the shore. "We should be able to nab a fragment off of that corner." she pointed to the hull of the ship, which was pointing to the surface, having tilted on it's way down to the ocean floor. Kholchu seemed to think it over, but quickly shook his head "That won't do. The ship is stronger there, somehow. It felt weaker towards the bottom of the ship, near the seafloor." Woodland looked down into the waters thoughtfully. Kholchu was likely right, the area of the
Mention Counter
Toxic Woodland: 5 mentions

401 to 600
ship that was next on the seafloor likely having been beating against the rocks for years now. It should be easy enough to grab a chunk off of it there. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to make out the details of the shipwreck below. It was murky, but she could just make out the jagged outline of the ship's hull resting on the ocean floor. The years of erosion, salt, and the relentless beat of the waves had taken their toll, and now the once-proud vessel was little more than a deteriorating hulk. "Alright," she said after a moment, nodding to herself. "If the bottom of the ship is weaker, we can focus our efforts there. We just need to get a piece big enough to bring back." Té Alvuin let out another sigh, still frustrated, but seemed to accept the plan. "We’ll have to be careful, though. If we pull too hard or at the wrong angle, we could cause a collapse. That wreck's not exactly stable." Kholchu grunted his agreement. "I'll guide us once we’re down there. I noticed a part near the rear of the ship where the wood is practically crumbling. If we start there, we
Mention Counter

601 to 800
should be able to break off a section and carry it to the surface together." Kholchu quickly added "I'll guide us once we’re down there. I noticed a part near the rear of the ship where the wood is practically crumbling. If we start there, we should be able to break off a section." "Okay then, let's do it," Woodland said, taking another deep breath before diving back into the water. The cold hit her as she plunged beneath the surface, the chill of the ocean wrapping around her body like the worst blanket in history. She could hear the muted swish of Té Alvuin and Kholchu diving in beside her. Together, they swam toward the shipwreck, the dark silhouette of the vessel looming larger as they descended. As they neared the wreck, Woodland saw the area Kholchu had mentioned. The wood was badly splintered, rotted through in many places, and there were cracks running along the seams where the hull had been battered by the ocean's floor. It looked like a fragile skeleton of what it once was. Kholchu gestured to a particularly weak-looking section near the bottom of the ship and then mimicked the motion of pulling. Woodland
Mention Counter
Toxic Woodland: 3 mentions

801 to 1000
nodded in understanding and positioned herself on the opposite side of him. Té Alvuin moved into place as well, the three of them ready to work together. The three began to tug at the weakened wood, slowly at first to avoid causing too much damage at once. Woodland felt the resistance as the ship’s stubborn frame held on, but she could also sense the ship being torn apart beneath her fingers. The wood was soft, almost spongy in places, and as they pulled harder, she could hear the groaning creaks as the structure gave away. Suddenly, there was a sharp crack, and a large section of the hull splintered off in their hands. The water around them filled with a cloud of debris as the fragment separated from the rest of the ship. Woodland felt a moment of triumph. this piece would be more than enough for what they needed. With the piece of the ship now in their possession, they began the slow ascent back to the surface. Breaking through the water again, Woodland took a deep breath, relieved to be back in the open air. The Xunari on the boat waved, noticing their return, and quickly prepared to
Mention Counter
Toxic Woodland: 3 mentions

1001 to 1034
help them aboard. Woodland heaved the fragment of the ship onto the deck with a grunt of effort, and then helped the two Belemoids up on the ship, happy with a job well done.
Mention Counter
Toxic Woodland: 1 mentions
Toxic Woodland is in 5 chunks
Té Alvuin the Vampire is in 0 chunks
Kholchu Bloodweaver is in 0 chunks
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[Trade] CON crucible

In The Six Crucibles ・ By LostInProgres ・ 0 Favourites ・ 0 Comments
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Submitted By LostInProgres for Crucible of Constitution ・ Location: Ocean (Xiunus)
Submitted 6 months ago ・ Last Updated 6 months ago
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[[Trade] CON crucible by LostInProgres (Literature)](https://xiun.us/gallery/view/946)
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