Item Categories

Colonists can own items in this category!

Special accessories that allow different design adjustments without affecting genetics.

Colonists can own 1 items in this category!

Pop this bad boy on a colonist with a transparent background and see how pretty they look!


Cards, be they for collecting or for other uses.

Crafting Materials

These items can be used to craft other items.

DPIP Communications

Communications to and from DPIP.

Equippable Tools
Colonists can own items in this category!

These tools can be attached to colonists to perform some sort of in-game function, such as additional items in actions.

Colonists can own 3 items in this category!

These can be used for decoration, crafting, or just fun!


Technically illegal - don't let DPIP catch you with this!


Animal pelts and skins, usually used in crafting.

29 results found.