Equipment Categories

<a href="" class="display-category">Body</a>

Armour that protects a large portion of the body, such as the back, chest, waist, or hips of the colonist. Any armour here can be imagined to be customized to suit the colonist in question.

<a href="" class="display-category">Limbs</a>

Armour that focuses on the limbs of the colonist, such as the arms, legs, tail, or even wings if applicable. Any armour here can be imagined to be customized to suit the colonist in question.

<a href="" class="display-category">Hands</a>

Armour made to fit the hands and/or feet of a colonist, generally the foreward facing limbs that can be used to hold items. Any armour can be assumed to be customized to fit the xunari wearing it.


Carrying more than one at a time would be far too clunky.

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