Gaeron Reef - Outpost

Gaeron Outpost in the Ocean. Located on the Gemini Islands in the Ocean, neighboring the Xione Ocean Outpost
Level Two
Bandit 0129 of Gaeron Pass Bandit

Fewspot appaloosa slate tinted silver female tsabhua adult with dun, point, sable, choker, and mask.
Carried: Countershading and heartfire

Research Coordinator
Level Two
Kudma 0357 of Gaeron Pass Kudma

Salmon male tsabhua adult with dun, nyala, point, and dominant underbelly.
Carried: Flaxen, countershading, and heartfire

Head of Security
Level One
Indie LT13 of Gaeron Pass Indie

Granite female belemoid adult with sable, ghi viper, and artifice.

Level One
Loire 0756 of Gaeron Pass Loire

Blackberry female belemoid adult with barring.
Carried: Countershading, artifice, and reversed marozi

Level One
Soleil 0849 of Gaeron Pass Soleil

Appaloosa black female tsabhua adult with dun, impala, heartfire, nyala, point, fier, and barring.
Carried: Pearl, truespot, and viper

Level One
Marceau 0821 of Gaeron Pass Marceau

Dominant appaloosa brick male tsabhua adult with heartfire, point, underbelly, mask, and fier.
Carried: Flaxen, countershading, and viper

Level One
Isla 0716 of Gaeron Pass Isla

Appaloosa navy female tsabhua adult with nyala, point, sable, ghi viper, and mask.
Carried: Heartfire

Level One
Thistle 0245 of Gaeron Pass Thistle

Appaloosa black male tsabhua adult with dun, sabino, and underbelly.
Carried: Heartfire

Adopted son of Weaver - Forager
Level One
Yavriel 0653 of Gaeron Pass Yavriel

Greying pearl slate tinted silver male tsabhua adult with dun, impala, dominant nyala, point, sable, stripe, bumblebee viper, and mask.
Carried: Truespot

Level Zero
Thraupis 0881 of Gaeron Pass Thraupis

Cream appaloosa black female tsabhua whelp with dominant point, sable, underbelly, choker, and artifice.
Carried: Countershading, reversed point, and dapple

Level Zero
Ingvar 0715 of Gaeron Pass Ingvar

Rust male tsabhua whelp with nyala, underbelly, ember, and okapi.

Apprentice | Gatherer
Level Zero
Cauldron Swirl 1191 of Gaeron Pass Cauldron S...

Silver male tsabhua whelp with dun, impala, heartfire, stripe, bumblebee viper, and barring.
Carried: Flaxen

Level Zero
Tundra 0759 of Gaeron Pass Tundra

Greying snowcap appaloosa silver male tsabhua whelp with flaxen, heartfire, nyala, dominant underbelly, and choker.

Apprentice | ???
Level Zero
Yoqhi 0945 of Gaeron Pass Yoqhi

Slate tinted silver male tsabhua whelp with dun, impala, nyala, point, and barring.
Carried: Pearl, heartfire, and viper

Level Zero
Selachi 0926 of Gaeron Pass Selachi

Silver male tsabhua whelp with impala, nyala, and dominant underbelly.
Carried: Flaxen and truespot

Level One
Margo 0706 of Gaeron Pass Margo

Greying twig female tsabhua adult with dominant underbelly.
Carried: Heartfire and viper

Level Zero
Arcturus 0862 of Gaeron Pass Arcturus

Brick male tsabhua whelp with nyala, underbelly, and choker.
Carried: Flaxen

Level Zero
Astraea 0870 of Gaeron Pass Astraea

Black female tsabhua whelp with point, dominant underbelly, and choker.
Carried: Flaxen and viper

Level Zero
Elysia 0871 of Gaeron Pass Elysia

Black female tsabhua whelp with point, underbelly, and dominant choker.
Carried: Viper

Level Zero
Wrenn 1239 of Gaeron Pass Wrenn

Nullified erythris female belemoid whelp with sable and inkblot.
Carried: Countershading, ghi viper, and artifice

Level Zero
Seetang 1207 of Gaeron Pass Seetang

Russian female reef belemoid whelp with tail.

Level Zero
Moray 1296 of Gaeron Pass Moray

Onyx male reef belemoid whelp with badger and dominant tail.

Level Zero
Bodhi 0857 of Gaeron Pass Bodhi

Leucistic male belemoid whelp with countershading, artifice, inkblot, and barring.

Apprentice | ???
Level Zero
Aubyn 0856 of Gaeron Pass Aubyn

Russian male belemoid whelp with sable, ghi viper, inkblot, and barring.
Carried: Artifice

Apprentice | ???
Level Zero
Yi-ra 0879 of Gaeron Pass Yi-ra

Blackberry female belemoid whelp with badger and inkblot.
Carried: Heartfire

Apprentice | ???
Level Zero
Ny-ra 0309 of Gaeron Pass Ny-ra

Blackberry female belemoid whelp with dun, sabino, saddle, blanket, and inkblot.
Carried: Artifice

Level Zero
Pallas 0733 of Gaeron Pass Pallas

Greying appaloosa onyx male belemoid whelp.

Apprentice | ???
Level Zero
Aloy 0753 of Gaeron Pass Aloy

Granite female belemoid whelp with sabino.

Apprentice | ???