Submission (#3930)
Submitted 3w and 3d ago
Processed 2w and 1d ago by Or'sol
Poor little Whisp could barely handle it. It took Ycthuthrheth putting all its might into picking her up and Tezcatlipoca's prodding with a stick to make her get up again.
For Citria, Whisp, and Corazon: 11 each
- Base: 2
- Colored: 3
- Shaded: 2
- Background: 2
- Home Region: 1
- Researcher: 1
For Tezcatlipoca: 8 pts
- half body, reduced points
- base: 1
- colored: 2
- shaded: 1
- background: 2
- Home Region: 1
- Researcher: 1
Research Points: 84
- From EXP: 11 * 3 + 8 = 41
- Research Plus: + 41
- Action Bonus: 2
The link should be working now. Don't know how imgur ate the picture earlier
The updated image has been added below the original
Some specification on what a background element is could be helpful. I legit was thinking that so long as I added at least 3 items that show relation to space and where it takes place, that works for background. And by that incorrect definition, I've been adding more than 3
Also, I first submitted this a week before the month ended, and it's been in limbo most of that time. Will this still count toward February's crucible, and not March?
Sorry for all the inconveniences
Colony Rewards
Colonists and Their Rewards

Corazon 2095

Tezcatlipoca 1940

Citria 2105
No addons are included in this submission.