Submission (#3172)

Miner Education


Home: Mireh — Submission: Rekes

Submitted 5mos and 5d ago

Processed 5mos and 5d ago by Or'sol



Miner Assistant - "Travel to Rekes to attempt to clear blocked tunnels" (in the Rekes caves on their way to clear blocked tunnels)


Experience (Irko RT19)
Fullbody Colored Base +3
TOTAL: 3xp


Experience (Cygnuia 0378)
Fullbody Base +2
Fullbody Color +3
Fullbody Shaded +2
Background +2
Tribal Visitor +3 (Irko RT19)
TOTAL: 12xp


Experience (Stellaia 1270)
Fullbody Base +2
Fullbody Color +3
Fullbody Shaded +2
Background +2
Prime Friend (Cygnuia) +1
Tribal Visitor +3 (Irko RT19)
TOTAL: 13xp


Research Points
13 + 12 + 3 = 28
Research+ (28 x 2) = 56

Benefit Of Age (Cygnuia) 56 + 12 = 68
TOTAL: 68xp


I have not shaded in a long time so pls be kind if it is not good enough. I'm trying to step out my comfort zone.

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Astraia


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Miner Education

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Cygnuis 0378

Cygnuis 0378

10 Xen
Observations in Rekes
Cygnuia 0378 picked up 10 Xen.
Cygnuia 0378 basked in the rare sunlight with a friend.
Class: Miner
Irko RT19 Background

Irko RT19

Stella 1270

Stella 1270

10 Xen
Observations in Rekes
Stellaia 1270 scaled a mountain.
Stellaia 1270 picked up 10 Xen.
Class: Miner

No addons are included in this submission.

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