Claim (#3075)


Home: Mireh — Submission: Rekes

Submitted 5mos and 3w ago

Processed 5mos and 3w ago by Gaeron Pass



Note; Draa'koe gets NOTHING. Only here for personal tracking purposes.

  • Fullbody, Coloured and Shaded = 7
  • Background = 2
  • Prime Friend (Far'lan and Umbra) = 2
  • Foreign Colonist (Umbra) = 1
  • Quality? = 3

Total = 15xp

No rewards are attached to this submission.

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Kyoto 1029 Background

Kyoto 1029

Observations in Rekes
Kyoto 1029 hid under some rocks during a hailstorm.
Kyoto 1029 led you to safety during an avalanche.

No addons are included in this submission.

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