Submission (#2878)



Home: Mireh — Submission: Mireh

Submitted 5mos and 3w ago

Processed 5mos and 3w ago by Or'sol



Woodland +9
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Foreign Colonists = +1

Snap +10
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Foreign Colonists = +1
Prime Friends = +1

Imagine +10
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Foreign Colonists = +1
Prime Friends = +1

Witness +10
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Foreign Colonists = +1
Prime Friends = +1

Scavenger +13
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Foreign Colonists = +4
Prime Friends = +1

RP = 113
Base = 52
BoO = 9 (Woodland)

Please note the professions and gear when rolling this!

Woodland has a friendship bracelet to allow a 4th colonist to get rolls.
Woodland is a gatherer, and gets an extra roll.
All focus colonists are carrying a basket to get an extra roll.

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to LostInProgres


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Foraging

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.

No addons are included in this submission.

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