Submission (#2834)
Submitted 5mos and 3w ago
Processed 5mos and 3w ago by Gaeron Pass
Everyone is present in the first 3 blocks, only Scorpius and Seymore are present in the last 100 words.
Hoping the lit is fine in regards to the prompt- I'm not entirely sure what else to write about this, since they have already gone to check up on them- Tried to mitigate it some by making it so Scorpius writes them a letter to supposedly check on them?
Seymore +9
Word count = +7
Environment = +2
Scorpius +9
Word count = +7
Environment = +2
Morgain +10
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Prime Friends = +2
Carus +10
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Prime Friends = +2
Crack +10
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Prime Friends = +2
RP = 114
Base = 48
BoO = 18 (Seymore, Scorpius)
Using research to bring a 4th colonist along for rolls
Colony Rewards
Focus Colonist Rewards
Specific to Simple Social
Colonists and Their Rewards

Scorpius 0037

Seymore LT15
No addons are included in this submission.