Submission (#2241)

Crucible of Strength

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Home: Issiq — Submission: Ocean

Submitted 1yr and 1mo ago

Processed 1yr and 1mo ago by Xione

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Crucible of Strength: Battle with a wild beast (tsabhua or otherwise.)

Base: 2 xp
Colored: 3 xp
Shaded: 2 xp
Background: 2 xp
Foreign Colonists: 2 xp
Prime Friend: 2 xp [Ha'groth, Polly]
Tribal Visitor: 3 xp
Total = 16 xp

Base: 2 xp
Colored: 3 xp
Shaded: 2 xp
Background: 2 xp
Foreign Colonists: 2 xp
Prime Friend: 1 xp [Polly]
Tribal Visitor: 3 xp
Total = 15 xp

Base: 2 xp
Colored: 3 xp
Shaded: 2 xp
Background: 2 xp
Foreign Colonists: 2 xp
Prime Friend: 1 xp [Ha'groth]
Tribal Visitor: 3 xp
Total = 15 xp

Base: 1 xp
Colored: 2 xp
Shaded: 1 xp
Background: 2 xp
Foreign Colonists: 2 xp
Prime Friend: 2 xp [Ha'groth, Polly]
Tribal Visitor: 3 xp
Total = 13 xp

EXPERIENCE [Leviathan]
Native: 3 xp
Total = 3 xp

Base: 16 + 15 + 15 + 13 + 3 = 62
Research Plus: 62
Total = 124 rp

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Snip's Pinnacle Point


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Crucible of Strength

1 STR (Strength)

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Ha'groth LT11 Background

Ha'groth LT11

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Strength Stat
Observations in Ocean
Ha'groth LT11 starts up a sea shanty with their fellows.
Your party is certain they hear some singing in the distance, but you decide to steer away from it.
Urgon 0454 Background

Urgon 0454

Observations in Ocean
Urgon 0454 pulled up their line and found Fairy Fruit - Gloss!
Trace RT14 Background

Trace RT14

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Strength Stat
Observations in Ocean
Trace RT14 had a lovely time out on the sea.
Polly 0694 Background

Polly 0694

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Strength Stat
Observations in Ocean
You catch Polly 0694 about to guzzle down their fifth Medicinal Brew and confiscate it.

No addons are included in this submission.

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