Submission (#2231)

Bard Education


Home: Mireh — Submission: L'Hatzif

Submitted 1yr and 1mo ago

Processed 1yr and 1mo ago by Or'sol



I am- so sorry for all the XP in different sections in this.

Roam & Fawn = +11
+2 = base word count (first section)
+2 = base word count (second section)
+2 = base word count (third section)
+2 = base word count (last section)
+1 = Prime friend (Giving to eachother)
+2 = prime friend (Bloo & Seymore)
Retreat & Choose - 6
+2 = base word count (first section)
+2 = base word count (last section)
+2 = Prime friend (Roam & Fawn)
Depart = +4
+2 = base word count (last section)
+2 = Prime friend (Roam & Fawn)
Seymore & Bloo = +4
+2 = base word count (second section)
+2 = Prime friend (Roam & Fawn)
Gideon & Koi  = +4
+2 = base word count (third section)
+2 = Prime friend (Roam & Fawn)

RP = +150
Base = +11 + 11 +6  +6  +4 +4 +4 +4 + 4 +4 = 58
R+ = 58
BoA (Fawn) = +11
BoA (Roam) = +11
BoA (Bloo) = +4
BoA(Seymore) = +4
BoA (Koi) = +4

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to LostInProgres


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Bard Education

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Roam 0132 Background

Roam 0132

Observations in L'Hatzif
Roam 0132 got a bit too close to a snapping plant!
Could you believe Roam 0132 found a Mosshroom here? I could.
Roam 0132 was sniffing around and found a Aster.
Koi 0915 Background

Koi 0915

Fawn 0929

Fawn 0929


No addons are included in this submission.

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