Snip's Pinnacle Point

Home: Issiq

Submitted 3yrs and 6mos ago

Processed 3yrs and 6mos ago by Sprouts

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Okay apologies in advance I know this is going to be a mess 💦

IV Distribution
Xione: 1 IV Lupus 0069
NMRO: 1 IV Five Ninety Three 0593
Wayward Station: 1 IV Composer of Stars 0303
Tsidal: 1 IV Nero 0518
Or'sol: 1 IV Korak'ul 0432
Forsaken's Hallow: 1 IV Aoife the Radiant 0466
Gaeron Pass: 2 IV Kudma 0357, Ya'and 0553
Peltier_Platform: 2 IV DDSOAG 0613, Indigo 0403
Snips: +10 IV for 10 foreign colonists

Additional colonists from Peltier Platform (0296 x 0085 [2 of 2] 0561, 0150 x 0280 [3 of 3] 0577) purely for exp
My own colonists for prompt depiction and exp: Frith 0408, Carli 0451, Urgon 0454, Orex 0474 

Base EXP 
Fullbody - 2
Coloured - 3
Shaded - 2
Background - 2
Researcher - 1
Foreign Colonists - 5
= 15

Non Issiq, Everyone except Indigo and Frith:
Prime Friend (Indigo, Frith) - 2
= 17 for Lupus, 0593, Composer, Nero, Korak, Aoife

Indigo and Frith:
Prime Friend (The other) - 1
Accurate Region (Issiq) - 1
= 17 

Remaining Gaeron, Peltier, and Snip colonists
Prime Friend (Indigo, Frith) - 2
Accurate Region (Issiq) - 1 
= 18 for Kudma, Ya'and, DDSOAG, 0561, 0577, Carli, Urgon, Orex

Research Points
17 exp x 8 colonist - 136 
18 exp x 8 colonists - 144
= 280
Research plus - 280
Benefit of Age (Frith) - 18
= 578

Random Event Requests
Yours Truly: Carli 0451Orex 0474 
Gaeron Pass: 2 IV Kudma 0357, Ya'and 0553
Peltier_Platform: 2 IV DDSOAG 0613, Indigo 0403
Xione: 1 IV Lupus 0069
Wayward Station: 1 IV Composer of Stars 0303

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Snip's Pinnacle Point


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to A Day In The Life - Tutorial Prompt

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Lupus 0069 Background

Lupus 0069

17 (Deleted Currency)
Kudma 0357 Background

Kudma 0357

18 (Deleted Currency)
17 Xen
Aoife the Radiant 0466

Aoife the Radiant 0466

17 (Deleted Currency)
Composer of Stars 0303

Composer of Stars 0303

17 (Deleted Currency)
93 Xen


18 (Deleted Currency)
Indigo 0403

Indigo 0403

17 (Deleted Currency)
Frith 0408 Background

Frith 0408

17 (Deleted Currency)
Korak'ul 0432

Korak'ul 0432

17 (Deleted Currency)
Carli 0451 Background

Carli 0451

18 (Deleted Currency)
12 Xen
Urgon 0454 Background

Urgon 0454

18 (Deleted Currency)
Orex 0474 Background

Orex 0474

18 (Deleted Currency)
Coraeto 0593 Background

Coraeto 0593

17 (Deleted Currency)
NMRO in Mireh
Nero 0518

Nero 0518

17 (Deleted Currency)
Ya'and 0553

Ya'and 0553

18 (Deleted Currency)
0296 x 0085 [2 of 2] 0561

0296 x 0085 [2 of 2] 0561

18 (Deleted Currency)
0150 x 0280 [3 of 3] 0577

0150 x 0280 [3 of 3] 0577

18 (Deleted Currency)

No addons are included in this submission.

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