Submission (#614)

Pre-Automation Whelps


Home: Mireh

Submitted 4yrs and 2mos ago

Processed 4yrs and 1mo ago by NMRO



NOTE! I am using >Dice on the second geno to add Marozi gene!

Breeding Link

1) Will be going to Tsidal
Cream slate-tinted silver male tsabhua with impala, underbelly, and mask. (heartfire)

2) Will be going to Tagovoa
Cream black male tsabhua with impala, nyala, underbelly, and mask. (heartfire) (marozi)

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Or'sol Avatar
Or'sol  â¬¤ 4yrs and 2mos ago
Bit of a goose here and forgot to actually link the litter image instead of the breeding xD WOOPS!
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