Submission (#51)

Crucible of Strength


Home: Ocean

Submitted 4yrs and 7mos ago

Processed 4yrs and 7mos ago by NMRO



Crucible of Strength: Become a pack mule for a traveling merchant for a trip.

Random Events: Yes for my first two AND Yes for Caedaar 0147
Region: L'Hatzif (I have Disguise Kit)

Level Counts:
My three: 2 (base) + 3 (paint) + 2 (colour) + 2 (shade) + 2 (bg) + 1 (foreigner) = 12
Caedaar: 2 (base) + 3 (paint) + 2 (colour) + 2 (shade) + 2 (bg) + 3 (foreigners) + 1 (region) = 15

Research Points:
Base: 15+12+12+12 = 51
Research+: 51 x2 = 102

Stat Increases:
Sergeant (60) = +1 DEX, +1 CHA
Cassian (40) = +1 WIS, +1 CON

Caedaar (40) = +2 INT, +2 INT

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Xione


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Crucible of Strength

1 STR (Strength)

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Lepus 0081 Background

Lepus 0081

12 (Deleted Currency)
Sergeant 0082 Background

Sergeant 0082

12 (Deleted Currency)
Cassian 0083 Background

Cassian 0083

12 (Deleted Currency)
Caedaar 0147

Caedaar 0147

15 (Deleted Currency)

No addons are included in this submission.

Wayward Station Avatar
Wayward Station  â­˜ 7mos and 3d ago
Crucible point has been recorded for Lepus 0081
Wayward Station Avatar
Wayward Station  â­˜ 7mos and 3d ago
Crucible point has been recorded for Sergeant 0082
Wayward Station Avatar
Wayward Station  â­˜ 3yrs and 11mos ago
Investigation claimed!
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