Submission (#3898)

Crucible of Constitution


Home: L'Hatzif — Submission: Ocean

Submitted 3w and 6d ago

Processed 3w and 5d ago by Astraia



I'm still figuring out how to shade and color in a way still visually understandable when I am using only pencil. Don't quite have it down yet.

Whisp is a natural in the environment she was from. Citria's dense fur makes it harder for her to swim. Corazon is trying. At least Ycthuthreth and Tezcatlipoca are having fun.


10 for Citria, Whisp, and Corazon

  • Base: 2
  • Colored: 3
  • Shaded: 2
  • Background: 2
  • Researcher: 1

4 for Tezcatlipoca (the tiny one in the background)

  • Base: 2
  • Colored: 3
  • Background: 2
  • Researcher: 1
  • due to how tiny he is, I'm just going to divide the point total in half. If yall declare that this won't gain him experience, I understand

Research points: 36

  • exp : 10 * 3 (for Citria, Whisp, and Corazon) + 4 (Tezcatlipoca)
  • activity bonus: 2

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Xitlalmina


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Crucible of Constitution

1 CON (Constitution)

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Corazon 2095

Corazon 2095

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Constitution Stat
Citria 2105

Citria 2105

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Constitution Stat
Whisp 2112

Whisp 2112

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Constitution Stat

No addons are included in this submission.

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