Submission (#3183)

Crucible of Intelligence


Home: Issiq — Submission: Rekes

Submitted 4mos and 3w ago

Processed 4mos and 2w ago by Spear



Crucible of Intelligence Prompt: Meet with either a researcher of another colony or a tribe leader and learn from them.


ft. Ororest's Researcher (Finch)

Tsidal Kiddos

2 (Base)
+ 3 (Quality) - Painted BG
+ 3 (Color)
+ 2 (Shading)
+ 2 (Background)
+ 1 (Researcher - Finch)
+ 2 (Prime Friend - Tanim 1054, Kanene 0168)
+ 4 (Foreign Colonist - Kanene 0168, Bentley 1467, Turutu 1597, Miso 1403 )

= 19 XP

2 (Base)
+ 3 (Quality) - Painted BG
+ 3 (Color)
+ 2 (Shading)
+ 2 (Background)
+ 1 (Researcher - Finch)
+ 1 (Prime Friend - Kanene 0168)
+ 4 (Foreign Colonist - Kanene 0168, Bentley 1467, Turutu 1597, Miso 1403 )

= 18 XP

Nuryuhr KIDDOS

Kanene 0168 of Nuryuhr

2 (Base)
+ 3 (Quality) - Painted BG
+ 3 (Color)
+ 2 (Shading)
+ 2 (Background)
+ 1 (Researcher - Finch)
+ 1 (Prime Friend - Tanim 1054)
+ 3 (Foreign Colonist - Eilyn 0476, Tanim 1054, Miso 1403 )

= 17 XP

Bentley 1467, Turutu 1597 of Nuryuhr ( x 2 )

2 (Base)
+ 3 (Quality) - Painted BG
+ 3 (Color)
+ 2 (Shading)
+ 2 (Background)
+ 1 (Researcher - Finch)
+ 2 (Prime Friend -  Kanene 0168,Tanim 1054)
+ 3 (Foreign Colonist - Eilyn 0476, Tanim 1054, Miso 1403 )
= 18XP

Ororest KIDDOS

2 (Base)
+ 3 (Quality) - Painted BG
+ 3 (Color)
+ 2 (Shading)
+ 2 (Background)
+ 1 (Home Region)
+ 1 (Researcher - Finch)
+ 2 (Prime Friend -  Kanene 0168,Tanim 1054)
+ 5 (Foreign Colonist - Kanene 0168, Bentley 1467, Turutu 1597, Eilyn 0476, Tanim 1054 )
= 21XP

ReSearch Points

19+18+17+18+18+21= 111

Research+ = 111 x 2 = 222

Benefit of Age (Kanene 0168) = 17 + 222 = 239


Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Nuryuhr


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Crucible of Intelligence

1 INT (Intelligence)

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Kanene 0168 Background

Kanene 0168

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Intelligence Stat
Observations in Rekes
Kanene 0168 wandered up to you with a Raw Azurite in their mouth.
Kanene 0168 made up a lie about themself.
Kanene 0168 made a snow angel.
Class: Physician
Eilyn 0476 Background

Eilyn 0476

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Intelligence Stat
Observations in Rekes
Eilyn 0476 hid under some rocks during a hailstorm.
Tanim 1054

Tanim 1054

Focus Colonist Rewards from Prompt
1 point to the Intelligence Stat
Miso 1403

Miso 1403

Observations in Rekes
Miso 1403 made up a lie about themself.
Miso 1403 spotted a wild tsabhua in the far distance.
Bentley 1467 Background

Bentley 1467

Observations in Rekes
Bentley 1467 hid under some rocks during a hailstorm.
Turutu 1597 Background

Turutu 1597


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