Submission (#2907)

Simple Science


Home: Mireh — Submission: L'Hatzif

Submitted 5mos and 3w ago

Processed 5mos and 3w ago by Wayward Station



Technically not a "failed harvest", but I've gotten that specific prompt so many times by now that writing it feels a tad reptitive- I'm hoping that "The harvest wasn't large enough because of a influx of unexpected colonists" will do- lol.

Woodland +10
Word count = +7
Environment = +2
Home region = +1

Citrine +11
Word count = +7
Environment = +2
Home region = +1
Prime Friends = +1

Quartz +11
Word count = +7
Environment = +2
Home region = +1
Prime Friends = +1

Malachite +10
Word count = +6
Environment = +2
Home region = +1
Prime Friends = +1

RP = 94
Base = 42
BoA = 10 (Woodland)

Using research to allow 4 focus characters.

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to LostInProgres


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Simple Science

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Quartz 1427

Quartz 1427

Observations in L'Hatzif
Quartz 1427 listened to the rain.
Malachite 1457

Malachite 1457

Observations in L'Hatzif
Malachite 1457 ate a poisonous mushroom. (-2 health lost.)

No addons are included in this submission.

Wayward Station Avatar
Wayward Station  â­˜ 5mos and 3w ago
Oops looks like Malachite got into something when they weren't paying attention
LostInProgres Avatar
LostInProgres  â­˜ 5mos and 3w ago
They tried so hard to keep him away from it too :sob:
Xione Avatar
Xione  â­˜ 5mos and 3w ago
Could you do us a favour and mark the Environmental sentences with the ((new tag)) so we can identify them quickly? Thanks!
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