Submission (#2744)
Submitted 6mos and 1d ago
Processed 5mos and 3w ago by Wayward Station
Kya, a brown spotted Tsabhua glanced down at the letter in her hand. The young navy blue Tsabhua lay exhausted at her feet. She took only a moment admire the simple yet striking white stripes that graced the coat. she quickly nabbed the first of the welps that were nearby.
"Take this one to go rest, then find Kel and bring him here. I have a feeling he is going to want to know whats going on. "
It didn't take long before a black and white Tsabhua trotted up to her. "Hey Kya, Moon Stone told me you wanted to see me."
Kya didn't say anything. She handed over the letter and watched as Kel's smile slowly faded into the look of consitration as he read the letter. He slowly handed the paper over to Kya.
"You and I will leave immediatly. The welps would slow us down and Shasta can watch them while we are away. But we must hurry. I fear that the storm will come before to long and it will make traveling difficult.
"Agreed. "Kya said immediatly. She then ran over to where Shasta was working on tying done a tent and gave her the news then she and Kel took off trusting that the neighboring colony would have all the supplies they would need to help.
(Words 221)
Base - 2exp
Colored - 3exp
Shaded - 2exp
background - 2exp
Home region -1exp
Writing - 2exp
Total 12 exp
Full body - 2exp
Colored - 3exp
Shaded -2exp
Background - 2exp
Home region - 1exp
Prime friend - 1exp
writing - 2exp
Total - 13 exp
RP- total:
12 +13 = 25 +Research + =50 + 12 = 62 Rp
Colony Rewards
Colonists and Their Rewards

Kel 1200

Kya 1208
No addons are included in this submission.