Submission (#2432)
Submitted 5mos and 1w ago
Processed 5mos and 1w ago by Wayward Station
(1008 words total)
Diplomatic Immunity: 1 extra colonist
Well Met: Bonus 2 tickets
Extradition: 1/3
Honey: Bonus 2 tickets
Experience Calculations:
Lyra 0003 (level 2) - diplomacy 1/4
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (voelu, atlas, trace)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
1 xp - prime friend (trace)
total = 19 xp
Trace RT14 - diplomacy 2/4
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
5 xp - foreign colonist x5 (lyra, vanilla rose, greeble, spindle, atlas)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
1 xp - prime friend (lyra)
total = 21 xp
Voelu 1046- diplomacy 3/4
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
5 xp - foreign colonist x5 (lyra, vanilla rose, greeble, spindle, atlas)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 22 xp
Atlas - Colonist # 1101 - diplomacy 4/4
8 xp - 800+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
5 xp - foreign colonist x5 (lyra, vanilla rose, greeble, spindle, trace)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp
Morgain MT06 - native
8 xp - 800+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
1 xp - home region (mireh)
5 xp - foreign colonist x5 (lyra, vanilla rose, greeble, spindle, trace)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = (3 xp)
Vanilla Rose 1142
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (atlas, trace, voelu)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp
Spindle 1141
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (atlas, trace, voelu)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp
Greeble 1143
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (atlas, trace, voelu)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp
Achilles 1234
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (atlas, trace, voelu)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp
Colony Rewards
raffle tickets
Focus Colonist Rewards
Specific to Woo a Native
Colonists and Their Rewards
Morgain MT06
Voelu 1046
Vanilla Rose 1142
Spindle 1141
Greeble 1143
Atlas - Colonist # 1101
No addons are included in this submission.