Submission (#2432)

Woo a Native


Home: Ocean — Submission: Mireh

Submitted 5mos and 1w ago

Processed 5mos and 1w ago by Wayward Station



(1008 words total)


Diplomatic Immunity: 1 extra colonist
Well Met: Bonus 2 tickets
Extradition: 1/3


Honey: Bonus 2 tickets

Experience Calculations:

Lyra 0003 (level 2) - diplomacy 1/4
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (voelu, atlas, trace)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
1 xp - prime friend (trace)
total = 19 xp

Trace RT14 - diplomacy 2/4
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
5 xp - foreign colonist x5 (lyra, vanilla rose, greeble, spindle, atlas)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
1 xp - prime friend (lyra)
total = 21 xp

Voelu 1046- diplomacy 3/4
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
5 xp - foreign colonist x5 (lyra, vanilla rose, greeble, spindle, atlas)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 22 xp

Atlas - Colonist # 1101 - diplomacy 4/4
8 xp - 800+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
5 xp - foreign colonist x5 (lyra, vanilla rose, greeble, spindle, trace)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp

Morgain MT06 - native
8 xp - 800+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
1 xp - home region (mireh)
5 xp - foreign colonist x5 (lyra, vanilla rose, greeble, spindle, trace)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = (3 xp)

Vanilla Rose 1142
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (atlas, trace, voelu)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp

Spindle 1141
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (atlas, trace, voelu)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp

Greeble 1143
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (atlas, trace, voelu)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp

Achilles 1234
10 xp - 1000+ words
2 xp - environment bonus
3 xp - foreign colonist x3 (atlas, trace, voelu)
3 xp - tribal visitor (morgain)
2 xp - prime friend x2 (lyra, trace)
total = 20 xp

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Xione


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Woo a Native

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Lyra 0003 Background

Lyra 0003

Observations in Mireh
Lyra 0003 got caught in a thorn bush. (-1 health lost.)
Lyra 0003 made a friend.
Trace RT14 Background

Trace RT14

Observations in Mireh
Trace RT14 chatted with a friend.
Voelu 1046 Background

Voelu 1046

Observations in Mireh
Voelu 1046 commented that your telecom is beeping. (+1 Unopened Simple Report)
Vanilla Rose 1142 Background

Vanilla Rose 1142

Spindle 1141 Background

Spindle 1141

Greeble 1143 Background

Greeble 1143

Achilles 1234 Background

Achilles 1234

Observations in Mireh
Achilles 1234 slept under the stars.

No addons are included in this submission.

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