Submission (#2270)

Woo a Native

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Home: Issiq — Submission: Ocean

Submitted 10mos and 1w ago

Processed 10mos and 1w ago by Gaeron Pass

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Snip's Pinnacle Point

Base: 2 xp
Colored: 3 xp
Background: 2 xp
Foreign Colonists: 1 xp
Tribal Visitor: 3 xp
Total = 11 xp

Base: 2 xp
Colored: 3 xp
Background: 2 xp
Accurate Region: 1 xp
Foreign Colonists: 3 xp
Tribal Visitor: 3 xp
Total = 14 xp

Base: 2 xp
Colored: 3 xp
Background: 2 xp
Foreign Colonists: 1 xp
Tribal Visitor: 3 xp
Total = 11 xp

Base: 2 xp
Colored: 3 xp
Background: 2 xp
Foreign Colonists: 1 xp
Tribal Visitor: 3 xp
Total = 11 xp

EXPERIENCE [Leviathan]
Native: 3
Total = 3 xp

Base: 11 + 14 + 11 + 11 + 3 = 50
Research Plus: 50
Total = 100 rp

Please note diplomacy research for this submission!

Well Met (Scholar)
Adds a bonus of two tickets per Diplomacy entry. Does not stack.

Diplomatic Immunity (Scholar)
Allows one more colonist per submission to be rolled for a Diplomacy prompt. Does not stack.

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Snip's Pinnacle Point


Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to Woo a Native

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Fen 0495 Background

Fen 0495

Observations in Ocean
Fen 0495 pries open a shell to reveal a Pearl!
Fen 0495 pulled up their line and found Fairy Fruit - Gloss!
Pitta 0682 Background

Pitta 0682

Observations in Ocean
Pitta 0682 has an unfortunate run-in with a harpoon and is Injured.
Pitta 0682 starts up a sea shanty with their fellows.
Pitta 0682 came over with Bowl of Chicken Soup to keep your belly warm on the cold nights.
Class: Thief
Mox 0725 Background

Mox 0725

Observations in Ocean
Mox 0725 sat up late at night dreaming of the shore.
Your party is certain they hear some singing in the distance, but you decide to steer away from it.

No addons are included in this submission.

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