Submission (#1825)



Home: L'Hatzif — Submission: L'Hatzif

Submitted 2yrs and 6mos ago

Processed 2yrs and 6mos ago by Gaeron Pass



XP Breakdown (Rolling Mists, Morning Dew, Aym)

1421 words- 14xp

NPC Visitor- 3xp

Accurate Region (L'Hatzif)- 1xp

Prime Friends- 2xp

Total: 20xp


XP Breakdown (Ha'Groth, Antebellum)

~300 words- 3xp

Accurate Region (L'Hatzif)- 1xp

Prime Friend- 1xp

Total: 5xp


RP Breakdown:

Base- 20+20+20+5+5= 70rp

R+- 140rp

Benefit of Age- 150rp

Storytelling- 155rp

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to WeepingWillows

Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to TT.S2 - Follow the Clues and TT.S2-FtC.L1

5 Experience, added automatically. Does not get added to RP calculations.

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Morning Dew 0867

Morning Dew 0867

Observations in L'Hatzif
Morning Dew 0867 got a bit too close to a snapping plant!
Aym 0882

Aym 0882

Observations in L'Hatzif
Aym 0882 led you to higher ground.

No addons are included in this submission.

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