Submission (#1769)


Mirrorheart's Roost

Home: Ocean — Submission: Rekes

Submitted 2yrs and 6mos ago

Processed 2yrs and 6mos ago by Xione

Mirrorheart's Roost

Mirrorheart's Roost

Trust DPIP, Option 2

Ironheart 0160 EXP
2exp (fullbody base, 2exp)
+ 3exp (colour, 5exp)
+ 2exp (background, 7exp)
+ 1exp (accurate region, Rekes, 8exp)
+ 3exp (NPC Visitor(?), Bloodbeak, 11exp)
= 11 exp

Research Points
11RP (ironheart 11exp, 11RP)
+ 25RP (explore the docks(?), 36RP)
= 36 RP

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Mirrorheart's Roost

Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to TT.S2 - Trust DPIP and TT.S2-TD.F19

5 Experience, added automatically. Does not get added to RP calculations.

Bonus Rewards

5 Experience
No bonus unallotted stat points to Statpool

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Ironheart 0160 Background

Ironheart 0160

Observations in Rekes
Ironheart 0160 scaled a mountain.
Ironheart 0160 got caught in a thorn bush. (-5 health lost.)

No addons are included in this submission.

Mirrorheart's Roost Avatar
Mirrorheart's Roost  â­˜ 2yrs and 6mos ago
Ironheart gives the stranger a wary side-eye, plucking a stray bramble from her fur. "Koi, if you please," she says with little hope it's not some kind of trick.
Xione Avatar
Xione  â¬¤ 2yrs and 6mos ago
The pirate grins and indicates for you to flip over your card. (Go to your inventory to see what your card reveals.)
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