Submission (#1762)


Forsaken's Hollow

Home: L'Hatzif — Submission: Rekes

Submitted 2yrs and 6mos ago

Processed 2yrs and 6mos ago by Xione

Forsaken's Hollow

Forsaken's Hollow

Base: 2 xp
Colored: 3 xp
Background: 2 xp
NPC: 3xp
Total = 10 xp

Base: + 10 = 10
Research Plus: 10
Total = 20 rp

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Forsaken's Hollow

Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to TT.S2 - Follow the Clues and TT.S2-FtC.R4

5 Experience, added automatically. Does not get added to RP calculations.

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Findan the Far-Seeing 0783

Findan the Far-Seeing 0783

Observations in Rekes
Findan the Far-Seeing 0783 was so proud of what they learned, bringing back their colony 10 RP!
Findan the Far-Seeing 0783 called into the wind and heard a response.
Findan the Far-Seeing 0783 made up a lie about themself.

No addons are included in this submission.

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