TT Event: Entering the Azure Depths
<<<<<<< TERMINAL 31>>>>>>>
Transmitted 3 months ago :: Updated 3 months agoThe advent calendar for 2024 is currently running!
As with previous years, colonies who collect on all 31 days of December will automatically get an extra prize, while colonies who collection 30 days (only missed one) may request their prize via a Claim (a prompt-less submission).
Xiunus has grown recently, and the staff team has grown with it! Please welcome Ezi and Giieko to the staff team!
Literature pieces now have an "Analysis" tab that will track colonist mentions, word count, and environmental bonus sentences! This change not only makes it easier and faster for staff to process lit submissions, but is a useful tool for checking your written pieces to ensure colonists are mentioned every 200-word chunk, and to track word count without needing an external calculator!
- New Design Rule: Monochrome+! Markings with Monochrome+ can pick their color from any of the base coat sliders of the same species when present on a colonist with monochrome base (white, black, or non-tinted silver).
- Fewspot Appaloosa adjustment: Fewspot has had a bit of an update with new examples and general density range. Please review the changes before designing!
- Melanism: The Melanism mutation has had a few new options added. Please check the mutation page to learn about the new possibilities!
Going forward, instead of a maximum of four natives from any region available at one time, there will now be a maximum of one native available per region. This will prevent more popular regions from depleting their native population faster than other regions, and will technically allow more natives to be available at any time, given that there are five total regions. If a native has already been discovered in the region a submission takes place in, observations that would normally discover a native will instead grant a ticket to the currently available native.