Replies to Looking back on 2021 in General

Xione Avatar
Xione   12/01/2021
Has anyone had anything exciting happen over the course of the year? Maybe a new pet or an exciting move? Did you graduate school or start at a new one?
Or'sol Avatar
Or'sol   12/06/2021
A few things xD
- Moved house
- Partner got a new job
- Became addicted to plants
- Discovered I love to mow the lawn.... what!?
- Bought a handful of new games
- Found time to draw a few things!! (mostly Xiunus, yes xD haha)
Forsaken's Hollow Avatar
Well, yes and no :D Lost 2 cats this year but also got 2 new ones that are already kings of the flat.
Xione Avatar
Xione   12/01/2021
Oh, no! I'm so sorry to hear about your cats that you lost but I'm happy to hear about your new ones! What are their names? :D
Forsaken's Hollow Avatar
Zephyr and Helios. Zephyr is quite big as he is part European Shorthair and part Kurilian Bobtail and Helios is rather small as he's part munchkin part scottish fold