Submission (#3253)

TT.S3 - DtR - Rebel


Home: Issiq

Submitted 4mos and 1w ago

Processed 3mos and 3w ago by Xione



Drain the Ring - REBEL

Danger smanger! Send your most aquatic adult colonists into the flooded ring to investigate.

x 2 personal colonists
x 2 foreign colonists

Snip's Pinnacle Point KIDDOS

Chy 0722 of Snip's Pinnacle Point
9 (900 word count)
+ 2 (Environment)
+ 3 (Foreign Colonist - Iron Heart 0438, Rypple 1250, Pisang 1391)
+ 2 (Prime Friend - Rypple 1250, Pisang 1391)
= 16 XP

Wayward Station KIDDOS

Iron Heart 0438 of Wayward Station
9 (900 word count)
+ 2 (Environment)
+ 3 (Foreign Colonist - Chy 0722, Rypple 1250, Pisang 1391)
+ 2 (Prime Friend - Rypple 1250, Pisang 1391)
= 16 XP


Nuryuhr KIDDOS

Rypple 1250, Pisang 1391 of Nuryuhr ( x 2 )
9 (900 word count)
+ 2 (Environment)
+ 2 (Foreign Colonist - Chy 0722, Iron Heart 0438)
+ 1 (Prime Friend - Rypple 1250 or Pisang 1391, Alternating)
= 14 XP

Research Points


Base= (16 x 2) + (14 x 2) = 60

Research+ = 60 x 2 = 120

Benefit of Age (Rypple) = 120 + 14 = 134

Benefit of Age (Pisang) = 134 + 14 = 148

Total = 148 RP

Colony Rewards

These rewards went to Nuryuhr

Focus Colonist Rewards

Specific to TT.S3 - Drain the Ring and TT.S3 - DtR - Rebel

3 Experience, added automatically. Does not get added to RP calculations.

Colonists and Their Rewards

These rewards were specifically earned by the colonist beside them.
Iron Heart 0438

Iron Heart 0438

Chy 0722 Background

Chy 0722

Rypple 1250 Background

Rypple 1250

Class: Thief
Pisang 1391 Background

Pisang 1391

Class: Thief

No addons are included in this submission.

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